Table 6

Receiver operator curve analyses for predicting hypercapnia: sensitivity and specificity ranges for men and women

Cut-off levelSensitivitySpecificity
All SpO2<95%83 (76 to 88)63 (51 to 73)
All FVC<3.0 L90 (84 to 94)41 (30 to 52)
Men SpO2<95%76 (65 to 85)64 (51 to 76)
Men FVC<3.5 L85 (74 to 92)29 (18 to 42)
Women SpO2<93%74 (63 to 82)63 (41 to 81)
Women FVC<2.3 L99 (94 to 100)17 (5 to 37)
  • FVC, forced vital capacity; SpO2, oxygen saturations.