Table 1

Characteristics of the patients at baseline and surgical data*

CharacteristicsOxygenated blood
HTK solution
No pulmonary perfusion
Demographic characteristics
 Male sex—number (%)22 (75.9)20 (69.0)25 (80.6)
Comorbidities—number/total number (%) (number of patients with missing values)
 Self-reported COPD15/29 (51.7)18/29 (62.1)19/31 (61.3)
 Pulmonary hypertension determined by preoperative echocardiographic3/29 (10.3) (5)7/29 (24.1) (3)6/31 (19.4) (8)
 Arterial hypertension23/29 (79.3)24/29 (82.8)22/31 (71.0)
 Chronic atrial fibrillation or flutter4/29 (13.8)3/29 (10,3) [1]5/31 (16.1)
 Chronic heart failure †13/29 (44.8)6/29 (20.7) [2]9/31 (29.0)
 ASA class IV or worse1/29 (3.4)4/29 (13.8) [2]4/31 (12.9) [2]
 Median left ventricular ejection fraction (IQR)52.5 (41.2–60.0) [1]50.0 (37.5–60.0)55.0 (45.0–60.0)
 Recent AMI‡7/29 (24.1)11/29 (37.9)7/31 (22.6)
 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus3/29 (10.3)3/29 (10.3)2/31 (6.5)
 Median estimated creatinine clearance (IQR) §82.5 (64.2–121.9)82.7 (62.8–107.3)86.1 (65.2–106.8)
 Previous transit ischaemic attack or stroke1/29 (3.4)7/29 (24.1)7/31 (22.6)
 Previous percutaneous coronary intervention11/29 (37.9)7/29 (24.1)7/31 (22.6)
 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator or pacemaker2/29 (6.9) [2]1/29 (3.4) [1]1/31 (3.2) [1]
 Greater alcohol consumption¶11/29 (37.9)7/29 (24.1)7/31 (22.6)
 Median tobacco pack years (IQR)40.0 (18.5–51.0)45.0 (32.5–50.0)35.0 (20.0–45.0)
Pulmonary function
 Median per cent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s. (IQR)75.0 (56.5–87.5)79.0 (58.5–88.0)74.0 (58.0–88.0)
 GOLD classification Mild14/29 (48.3)14/29 (48.3)12/31 (38.7)
 GOLD classification Moderate11/29 (37.9)14/29 (48.3)17/29 (54.8)
 GOLD classification Severe3/29 (10.3)1/29 (3.4)2/31 (6.5)
 GOLD classification Very severe1/29 (3.5)0/29 (0.0)0/29 (0.0)
Surgical data
 Elective surgery18/29 (62.1)16/29 (55.2)23/31 (74.2)
 Urgent surgery11/29 (37.9)13/29 (44.8)8/31 (25.8)
 Type of surgery
  AVR7/29 (24.1)7/29 (24.1)12/31 (38.7)
  CABG15/29 (51.7)17/29 (58.6)17/31 (54.8)
  CABG and AVR7/29 (24.1)5/29 (17.2)2/31 (6.5)
 Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min)102.2±53.7100.9±26.598.45±44.6
 Aortic cross-clamp time (min)58.8±37.964.3±18.361.9±34.7
  • *Plus–minus values are means±SD. There were no statistical significant differences between the three groups for any of the variables.

  • †Chronic heart failure was defined as New York Heart Association Class III or worse.

  • ‡Recent AMI is within 3 months prior to the surgery.

  • §Estimated creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault equation in mL/min/1.73 m2.

  • ¶Greater alcohol consumption was defined as >14 for women and >21 for men units' alcohol per week.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; AVR, aortic valve replacement; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD, global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease; HTK, histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate.