Table 3

Symptoms and baseline observations of patients who attended ED prior to diagnosis of TB

Risk factorsFrequency (% of study population)Pulmonary TB symptomsFrequency (% of study population)
Current smoker27 (18%)Cough62 (40%)
Recent travel19 (12%)Fever53 (34%)
Known TB contacts13 (8%)Weight loss53 (34%)
Airways disease12 (8%)Night sweats33 (21%)
Diabetes (type 1 or 2)12 (8%)Chest pain31 (20%)
HIV positivity6 (4%)Sputum production28 (18%)
Hepatitis B or C positivity3 (2%)Dyspnoea28 (18%)
Alcohol misuse13 (8%)Haemoptysis11 (7%)
Immunosuppressive treatment3 (2%)Other symptoms
Observations Gastrointestinal30 (19%)
 Tachycardia (<100/min)53 (34%) CNS/headache16 (10%)
 Fever (>38°C)30 (19%) Back/joint pain13 (8%)
 Tachypnoea (>20/min)20 (13%) Neck lump8 (5%)
 Pulse oximetry <95%8 (5%) Generalised weakness and malaise8 (5%)
 Hypotension (workup SBP<90 mm Hg)3 (2%) Other9 (6%)
  • CNS, central nervous system; ED, emergency department; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TB, tuberculosis.