Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a leading cause of hospitalisation and has high mortality in older adults.1 Mortality is greatest in those with sepsis due to CAP (CAP+S), with survivors experiencing increased mortality for a decade following discharge from hospital.2 The long-term burden of CAP includes cognitive dysfunction, reduced mobility and increased care needs. Readmission following hospitalisation for CAP is common, occurring in 11% of older adults.3
CAP occurs most commonly in adults aged over 65 years, and older adults are more likely to experience severe CAP and CAP+S.4 As the global population is ageing the prevalence of CAP is likely to rise.5
Between 22% and 42% of all CAP episodes require hospitalisation,6 and this places a significant burden on health services. In 2019, hospital treatment for CAP cost the National Health Service £731 million, with costs significantly higher for the treatment of older adults.7
There have been no significant advances in the management of CAP since the advent of antibiotic therapy.
Recovery from CAP requires a functional and coordinated immune response. In CAP, neutrophils are the predominant responding immune cell to infection and the resulting tissue damage. Neutrophils migrate to sites of inflammation and clear infection through bactericidal effector functions including phagocytosis and the generation of neutrophil extracellular traps and reactive oxygen species (RoS).8 These functions can be encompassed by cellular phenotype; the manifestation of cellular processes at gene and protein levels which result in changes in a cell’s function, morphology and surface markers.9
In young adults, CAP is associated with a rapid upregulation of effector functions until the infection is resolved.10 11 However, even in health neutrophil functions in older adults appear depressed,12 this is particularly true in frail older adults13 and data suggest that CAP exacerbates this, with further reductions in neutrophil functions leading to a state of immunoparesis which has been demonstrated for up to 6 weeks following CAP.12 14–16 Differences in neutrophil cellular phenotype have been identified in sepsis17 and disease states such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,18 however, there is no literature examining changes in surface marker expression combined with functional assessment in CAP.
This broad impact on effector function suggests that a central cellular mechanism is involved, such as metabolism. Immunometabolism is defined as the role of cellular metabolism in the regulation of immune function19 and there is increasing interest in exploring if therapeutically targeting immunometabolism may optimise immune responses. For example, inhibiting glycolysis in myeloid cells using murine models is associated with an improved recovery from sepsis.20
Neutrophil metabolism is poorly understood, especially in disease states but neutrophils appear to rely on glycolysis for energy generation.21 The effector functions required for a coordinated and effective response to infection are highly energy-demanding processes. Modification of glycolysis in neutrophils may offer a novel therapeutic strategy for CAP. Potential targets include glucose transporters, key enzymes required for glycolysis (hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase) and lactate transporters/receptors. Evidence to date confirms alterations in these key enzymes during sepsis.22
This manuscript describes a protocol for the assessment of neutrophil function, phenotype and immunometabolism in older adults with CAP, compared with an age, frailty and morbidity-matched cohort in the Pneumonia Metabolism in Ageing (PUMA) study.