In this retrospective study of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery, we have demonstrated that ultrasound-guided ICT drainage of pleural effusions is associated with a sustained benefit in oxygenation. To our knowledge, this is the first time this has been demonstrated in this postcardiac surgery population, despite widespread practice of this procedure in cardiothoracic critical care. These data should act as further proof of concept to inform larger, controlled studies that are still required.
The indices of oxygenation in the drain group were worse than those in the control group at enrolment (table 2). This observation is consistent with the data in patients using the multiple inert gas elimination technique suggesting that large effusions impair ventilation-perfusion matching,12 increasing intrapulmonary shunt,11 and our finding that drainage of the effusion was associated with improved oxygenation (figure 1). In our study, the improvement in oxygenation in the drain group continued at least up to day 5. This is consistent with other reports28 and may reflect delayed lung re-expansion after drainage and possibly with gradual clearance of re-expansion pulmonary oedema.17 ,23 ,29 There are a wide range of potential causes for the presence of a pleural effusion in ICU,30 and in this settling, it may be that cardiac function was worse in the drain group, although the data to support this supposition are not available.
Our study is the largest report on a postsurgical ICU population and contributes to a growing literature supporting the notion of improved oxygenation in this population. A previous systematic review examining the effect of pleural fluid drainage in a mixed medical-surgical population of mechanically ventilated patients (n=112) describes an improvement in P/F ratio,25 although the effect was positively skewed by one small (19 patient) uncontrolled study.18 The effect in surgical patients is otherwise uncertain with small numbers and heterogeneous results in uncontrolled studies, with different approaches to maintain oxygenation prior to drainage.25 Studies in ventilated animals with artificial pleural effusions demonstrate the need for PEEP to prevent cycled recruitment/derecruitment of atelectatic lung (and presumably resultant atelectatrauma),31 although the optimal or required level of PEEP in humans is not known. There is a need for high-quality, controlled, prospective studies to establish and delineate any true benefit from this intervention.
A further, recent, small study in a medical ICU demonstrates an early improvement in P/F ratio at 3 h postdrainage, which is sustained at 24 h postintervention.22 Some studies have reported improvements in pulmonary mechanics (peak inspiratory pressure, respiratory rate, plateau pressure and dynamic compliance) within an hour of pleural fluid drainage,11 ,18 ,21 although the same studies do not demonstrate a similar improvement in oxygenation over the same time scale. Reasons for this delayed effect may be as simple as the effusion taking several hours to drain and slow physiological adaptation to the changes in pulmonary mechanics.
In our study, there was no correlation between the physiological indices and the volume of pleural fluid drained, which is consistent with other reports.22 ,25 We were also unable to demonstrate a threshold for the volume of pleural effusion drained that is likely to be associated with clinical benefit. It is possible that by the time an effusion is suspected clinically or on a chest radiograph, and large enough to be safely drained, it may already be over the threshold at which there will be benefit from drainage. Other small studies examining spontaneously breathing medical patients have suggested modest improvements in pulmonary mechanics and oxygenation after ICT insertion.15 ,24 In these studies, there was a correlation between the volume of pleural fluid drained and a benefit in the parameters studied. Even if it were possible to demonstrate a threshold of size of pleural effusion above which a patient is likely to benefit, it remains challenging to assess the size of an effusion prior to drainage, especially in recumbent, ventilated patients.32–34 Ultrasound, which was used routinely in this study, is the most reliable and safe method of estimation.3 ,35
In this study, there was no significant improvement in VI after ICT placement, although the significant difference in VI at day 0 between the groups was lost at day 1 after drainage. One interpretation of these data is that the known effects of pleural effusion in decreasing lung volumes and compliance36 are not readily reversed in this patient group when the fluid is removed. This may be accounted for partially by the fact that the patients were predominantly supine (30° head up) which would decrease chest wall compliance and that the effusion may have been preceded by and contributed to, by lower lobe atelectasis.37 Alternatively, others have observed that with small or moderate sized effusions, as seen in our patients, the lung is displaced rather than compressed,38 which would predict a modest effect on VI of its removal.
We examined a cohort of patients who had required intensive care for more than 7 days and who were therefore suffering complications following cardiac surgery. This may partly account for the prolonged length of AICU stay demonstrated in the drain group, with the presence of pleural effusion, a non-specific indicator of underlying pulmonary pathology, such as pneumonia. This may be consistent with other reports of postcardiac surgery patients with a pleural effusions having an increased prevalence of postoperative complications.10 Care should be taken in interpreting our length of stay data in comparison to others; our unit works as the national referral centre for cardiothoracic surgery, and as such frequently accepts patients that have multiple comorbidity and more complex, challenging operations. We are unable to comment on the incidence of pleural effusion after cardiac surgery or the risk factors for developing a large effusion, although like others, we have noted a preponderance of left-sided effusions.1–3 ,37 This would be expected from the increased incidence of atelectasis and left lower lobe collapse after surgery and the increased likelihood of opening the left pleura to access the left internal mammary artery, if these are indeed important aetiological factors.1 ,6 ,13 ,37 ,39
As the calculation of the OI and VI both include physiological indices that can only readily be obtained in mechanically ventilated patients, spontaneously ventilating patients were excluded from analysis of OI and VI. These exclusions introduce a bias that would tend to negate the positive effect of the intervention on gas exchange. Therefore, the beneficial effect of draining large pleural effusions on weaning from mechanical ventilation suggested by our data was probably underestimated. Alternatively, we cannot exclude a non-pulmonary cause for the patient's improvement, for example, drainage of large pleural effusions may significantly improve cardiac output particularly in patients with impaired cardiac function.14 ,40
The most important limitation of this study is that it was performed retrospectively. While our entry criteria defined a control group who were similar to the patients requiring drainage of pleural fluid, the period of data collection was also different between the two groups, being from day 7 after the operation in the control group and from the day of ICT insertion in the drain group (median 10 days). Another limitation of the study was that neither the decision to insert an ICT nor the ventilatory weaning was protocol driven. Additionally, we cannot completely exclude the presence of undrained effusions in the control population. While none were evident when the chest radiographs were reviewed, we accept that due to the sensitivity of chest radiography for identifying pleural effusions in this population (≈80%),41 it is possible that small effusions may not have been identified, although it is unlikely that a moderate or large effusion will have been missed. Furthermore, it is possible that the patient's apparent readiness to step down in respiratory support could have influenced the decision to drain the pleural fluid. Finally, we have not accounted for possible differences in fluid balance and/or pharmacological therapy (eg, diuretic use) that patients may have had.
In summary, our data provide novel physiological evidence to support the current practice in cardiothoracic critical care of draining large pleural effusions in patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery, possibly as a means of improving oxygenation and facilitating respiratory weaning. Considering the limitations of this report, further randomised controlled studies are required to examine if the drainage of pleural effusions facilitates weaning from mechanical ventilation in the cardiothoracic and general ICU population, and to attempt to identify a threshold of effusion size that would predict benefit from drainage.