Severe sepsis affects more than 700 000 individuals in the USA each year1 at a cost of more than 20 billion dollars.2 While sepsis definitions vary, including the recent third international consensus definitions,3 here we define severe sepsis as ‘organ dysfunction caused by sepsis’,4 and sepsis as a dysregulated host response to infection.5 Severe sepsis has an estimated annual mortality of 250 000,1, 6 but early diagnosis has been shown to reduce delays in treatment, increase appropriate care and reduce mortality.7, 8
In prior studies, we have demonstrated the efficacy of a machine learning algorithm (MLA) developed by Dascena (Hayward, California, USA) for the early prediction of sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock.9–11 Requiring inputs of only the most commonly recorded measurements in the electronic health record (EHR), primarily vital signs and age, the MLA predicted sepsis with accuracy which was superior to disease severity scoring systems in current use, such as the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA),12 the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria13 and the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS).14 At the time of severe sepsis onset, the MLA achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve of 0.880 (SD=0.006) compared with 0.725, 0.609 and 0.803 for SOFA, SIRS and MEWS, respectively.9 Although these disease severity scoring systems were designed to predict patient risk, rather than specifically to identify sepsis, they are commonly used in severe sepsis diagnostic criteria due to their designed purposes of identifying systemic inflammation as a sign of possible infection and detecting possible organ dysfunction. Because of their close relation to sepsis diagnostic criteria, the clinical utility of such scoring systems for identifying patients with sepsis has been closely studied in the literature.15 16 These scoring systems therefore serve as important comparators for any newly developed severe sepsis prediction system. Though relatively new additions to the field of sepsis care, MLAs have the potential to greatly improve patient outcomes through their accuracy and advanced warning of impending sepsis onset, making studies of such tools of great importance. The MLA used in this study has been described at length in previous peer-reviewed publications.9–11
MLAs for sepsis prediction17 have primarily been tested retrospectively or investigated non-interventionally.18–22 Here, we report a prospective, randomised controlled study, in which an algorithm was applied to EHR data for the prediction of severe sepsis (in a manner akin to a biomarker) and if warranted, generated real-time telephonic notifications at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center (San Francisco, California, USA). We tested the hypothesis that the use of an MLA would result in reductions in the average length of stay (LOS) and the in-hospital mortality rate. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this present work represented the first time a machine learning-based sepsis prediction system has been investigated in a randomised, interventional design.
The design of this study involved little or no risk of harm but conferred a large potential benefit. Specifically, the prediction algorithm’s ability to identify patients with severe sepsis before onset provided the opportunity for early intervention, which has been widely shown to decrease patient mortality.23 24 Kumar et al 7 found that survival decreased by 7.6% for every hour in which antimicrobial therapy is not administered to patients with septic shock following the first hour after onset. Although there is some controversy about the conclusions drawn by Kumar et al about the linear relationship between antibiotic timing and survival, as well as concerns that the researchers did not properly consider confounding factors in reporting their outcomes, conflicting evidence has largely shown that waiting to administer pathogen-specific antibiotics until after confirmation of a positive microbiology is associated with improved patient outcomes.25 Therefore, early identification of patients with severe sepsis still provides a large potential benefit by providing an opportunity for earlier confirmation of infection. If the MLA produced an alert when a patient was not trending towards severe sepsis (false positive), there was no direct harm to the patient, but clinicians would incur additional burden to assess the patient and dismiss the false alert. However, with the algorithm’s high specificity (as demonstrated by its high AUROC value),9–11 this risk was minimised. In the case that the algorithm did not identify a patient trending towards severe sepsis (false negative), there was no risk of additional harm, since UCSF’s current rules-based severe sepsis detection system was still active.