In a cohort at risk for obstructive lung disease because of prolonged SHS exposure but with preserved spirometry, we found RV/TLC to be overall within the predicted normal limits. However, RV/TLC showed remarkable variability across the range of FEV1/FVC or FEV1, suggesting that, at least in this cohort with preserved spirometry, RV/TLC informs an additional dimension to the obstructive lung disease not captured by standard airflow indices. Higher RV/TLC was associated with greater odds of reporting respiratory symptoms, and was predictive of lower maximum exercise capacity, independent of the level of airflow indices (FEV1/FVC, FEV1, FEF25–75 or FEF75). In a subgroup of the subjects, we found many with normal RV/TLC to have EFL at rest, and many more to develop EFL with exercise. We also demonstrated that exercise capacity, although not associated with an increase in EELV (FRC), was associated with progressive EFL (an increase in %EFL that in turn was related to RV/TLC), implicating higher RV/TLC as a possible mechanism that limits exercise capacity in this cohort with preserved spirometry. Finally, in a subgroup with imaging data, we found that LAAexp −860 to −950, the radiographic estimation of air trapping, was also associated with lower maximum exercise capacity. Overall, our findings show that in those at risk for obstruction due to SHS exposure but with preserved spirometry, the amount of air retained in lungs at the end of full expiration (RV/TLC), even if within the predicted normal range, has prognostic value in estimating functional capacity.
Many studies have documented the significance of air trapping in patients with overt COPD and its association with increased morbidity and mortality.10–14 Others have shown that in mild disease or in smokers without GOLD-defined COPD, air trapping and hyperinflation may be associated with physiologic impairment beyond the information provided by spirometry.15 16 Our study further uncovers the informative nature of lung volumes representing air trapping, even when they are in normal range, in predicting respiratory symptoms and exercise capacity. In fact, we found that having RV/TLC of 90% predicted or higher doubled the likelihood of reporting respiratory symptoms and halved the likelihood of being able to achieve the expected normal exercise capacity. Although our study was done in a cohort of never smokers with prolonged SHS exposure, it is likely that its findings are generalisable to others who are at risk for COPD due to any cause but have preserved spirometry. Furthermore, since many studies have reported worsened respiratory symptoms and exercise tolerance in patients with spirometric COPD and air trapping,6 21 31 32 it would be interesting to ascertain whether RV/TLC is a uniform predictor of worse outcomes regardless of spirometry status of patients (preserved or spirometrically defined COPD).
The physiologic mechanisms that result in air trapping have been extensively studied.33–35 In those with obstruction, active exhalation during exercise is thought to further augment air trapping via progressive increase in intrathoracic pressure and thus earlier closure of small airways, a process that results in EFL and increased EELV, reduced vital capacity and exercise limitation. An intriguing finding in our study is that many subjects who did not have evidence of air trapping at baseline (by either RV/TLC or baseline EFL) proceeded to develop EFL with exertion. Similarly, in the small subgroup that underwent CT imaging, many had evidence of mosaic perfusion and gas trapping in the setting of normal RV/TLC. Overall, these observations underscore the value of physiologic measurements during exercise and radiographic CT imaging for diagnosis of subclinical obstructive lung disease. Furthermore, they convey the diverse underlying processes that are likely involved in development of air trapping, and the complexity in its definition through various testing modalities.
A recent study in heavy smokers with preserved spirometry showed evidence of dyspnoea and lower exercise tolerance associated with increased airway resistance and diaphragm dysfunction.36 However, that study did not evaluate the association of air trapping with such outcomes. Our study showed that, at least in this cohort with individuals at risk for obstruction but with preserved spirometry, the effect of lung volumes representing air trapping (RV/TLC) on maximum exercise capacity was not mediated by airflow obstruction as measured by spirometric airflow indices, and suggests that air trapping may reflect additional pathophysiology beyond what is measured by the airflow indices of small airways. Evidence supporting this hypothesis includes other studies in patients with overt obstruction, which have shown persistence of air trapping for days to weeks even after improvement in airflow obstruction by bronchodilator therapy.7–9 Interestingly, a recent cohort study showed that the areas with gas trapping on CT imaging of patients with COPD indeed proceed to become emphysematous on follow-up CT imaging.37 Overall, it appears that the pathophysiology of air trapping may be more complicated than previously thought.
In recent years, CT imaging has been used extensively to characterise patients with COPD and identify radiographic characteristics that could help define functional phenotypes. Some of these measures include presence of emphysema, airway wall thickening and ‘gas trapping’. Additionally, various methods have been proposed for optimal quantification of these radiographic attributes.24–28 38 A few of these studies have shown gas trapping to be associated with poor respiratory outcomes.34 39 In our study, we used a method validated by Matsuoka et al
40 to measure gas trapping via calculation of LAAexp −860 to −950 in subjects with preserved spirometry. Remarkably, even in the small number of subjects examined in our radiographic subset, LAAexp −860 to −950 was associated with lower maximum exercise capacity. Our findings are consistent with another recent report about the association of gas trapping on CT imaging and respiratory symptoms in a cohort of smokers without spirometric COPD.41
Our study has limitations that should be kept in view. The cohort studied had only modest past direct smoking but experienced substantial SHS exposure. The American Thoracic Society statement on COPD considers SHS exposure to be a possible, but not definite, cause of COPD.42 Since that statement, however, further evidence has emerged supporting a contribution of SHS to development of COPD as well as to obstructive-type lung disease which do not meet the current definition of COPD.20 43 The weight of new evidence suggests that the disease caused by exposure to SHS, while it may not be spirometrically defined as COPD, is indeed similar to the lung disease of those smokers without GOLD-defined COPD.17 18 44 Another potential limitation is that to assess the presence of respiratory symptoms, we used mMRC and a similar questionnaire that additionally asked about coughing,19 and found a significant association of RV/TLC only with the latter. However, the direction of association of RV/TLC with symptoms measured by mMRC, although not significant, was consistent with our hypothesis.
In conclusion, we found that in a cohort at risk for COPD due to prolonged occupational exposure to SHS but without spirometric COPD, lung volumes representing air trapping (RV/TLC) had a wide distribution across increments of airflow indices. Higher RV/TLC, even within normal range, identified a subgroup with more prevalent respiratory symptoms and lower exercise capacity. Many of those without abnormal RV/TLC and frank air trapping had or developed EFL with exercise, which was associated with respiratory symptoms and exercise capacity. Our findings, along with other literature, suggest that lung volumes representing air trapping could be used for prognostication in populations with preserved spirometry who are at risk for COPD due to any cause such as direct smoking or air pollution.