The purpose of this guideline is to provide an evidence-based framework for the management of adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that will inform both key decisions in the care of individual patients and broader policy. Our recommendations are neither dictates nor standards of care. We cannot take into account all of the features of individual patients and complex local factors; all we can do is to synthesise relevant evidence and to put it into the context of current critical care medicine. Similarly, our recommendations are not comprehensive: these guidelines have relevance to a fraction of the total number of decisions that are required of carers for these complex patients. Indeed, the current state of the art for the management of ARDS has been recently reviewed1–4 and comparable guidelines have been produced by national and international stakeholders.5 6
The topics considered were chosen by the Guideline Development Group (GDG) in the light of results from a survey carried out for the Intensive Care Society (ICS), including 556 responses from 3200 members. Popular topics were excluded by the GDG if it was felt that there was a dearth of evidence (eg, appropriate diagnostic investigations and the role of specialist centres), when the evidence was not specific to ARDS (weaning from mechanical ventilation, nutrition and the timing of tracheostomy) and if there was overlap with existing guidelines (post-ICU (intensive care unit) care and rehabilitation).
ARDS was first reported in a case series from Denver in 1967.7 The American European Consensus Conference (AECC) 1994 defined ARDS as ‘an acute inflammatory syndrome manifesting as diffuse pulmonary oedema and respiratory failure that cannot be explained by, but may co-exist with, left-sided heart failure’.8 In 2012, the AECC definition was re-evaluated and minor alterations were proposed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine ARDS Definition Task Force. This iteration recognised 3 grades of severity depending on the degree of hypoxaemia and stipulated the application of at least 5 cmH2O of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or continuous positive airway pressure. This so-called Berlin definition was validated using retrospective cohorts and captures patients with a mortality of 24% in patients with mild ARDS, rising to 48% in the group of patients with the most severe respiratory failure.9
A four-point lung injury scoring system (Murray Score or LIS) is the most widely used means of quantifying ARDS severity. It is based on the level of PEEP, the ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) to the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), the dynamic lung compliance and the degree of radiographic infiltration.7 Although the LIS has been widely used in clinical studies and a score of >3.0 is commonly used as a qualifying threshold for support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), it cannot predict outcome during the first 24–72 hours of ARDS.8 When the scoring system is used 4–7 days after the onset of the syndrome, scores of 2.5 or higher predicted a complicated course requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation.9
As a syndrome rather than a disease, there is no laboratory, imaging or other ‘gold standard’ diagnostic investigation for ARDS. Therefore like acute kidney injury (AKI), ARDS is caused by a huge range of conditions and as a consequence patients with ARDS are heterogeneous. The outcome of these patients is determined by the underlying causes of ARDS, patient-specific factors such as comorbidities, clinical management and the severity of illness.
Epidemiology and outcomes
Using the AECC definition, several population-based studies of ARDS showed a fairly consistent picture of the age, mortality and severity of illness; however, there was almost a fourfold difference in incidence, probably contributed to by differences in study design and ICU utilisation.10 In the USA, there are estimated to be 190 000 cases and 74 000 deaths annually from ARDS.11 Whereas in a third world setting, from 1046 patients admitted to a Rwandan hospital over 6 weeks, 4% (median age 37 years) met modified ARDS criteria. Only 30.9% of patients with ARDS were admitted to an ICU, and hospital mortality was 50.0%. This study used the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition: without a requirement for PEEP, hypoxia threshold of SpO2/FiO2 less than or equal to 315, and bilateral opacities on lung ultrasound or chest radiograph.12
The recently published LUNG SAFE trial was designed to study prospectively the performance of the Berlin definition and to reflect modern management of ARDS. To those ends, the investigators recorded admissions over 4 weeks to 459 ICUs in 50 countries over 5 continents including 29 144 patients. In total, 3022 (10.4%) cases fulfilled ARDS criteria, including almost a quarter of those supported with invasive mechanical ventilation.13 Despite this relatively high prevalence and the study’s focus on ARDS, the syndrome was recognised in only half of the mild ARDS group. Furthermore, in a study that reported on 815 patients with at least one risk factor for ARDS who were admitted to one of 3 Spanish hospitals over 4 months, 15 out of 53 patients (28%) were not admitted to an ICU suggesting that LUNG SAFE may have underestimated both ARDS incidence and overlooked diagnoses.14
Survivors commonly suffer from muscle weakness and neuropsychiatric problems, such that fewer than 50% have returned to work 12 months after leaving intensive care.15 However, it is unusual for ARDS survivors to be significantly limited by chronic respiratory failure. Therefore, ARDS is important both clinically and financially, because it is a not uncommon contributor to the deaths of critically ill patients of all ages and because survivors carry on suffering from the sequelae of critical illness long after they leave hospital.16
The pathophysiology of ARDS results from acute inflammation affecting the lung’s gas exchange surface, the alveolar-capillary membrane.1 Increased permeability of the membrane associated with the recruitment of neutrophils and other mediators of acute inflammation into the airspace manifests as high permeability pulmonary oedema. The resulting acute inflammatory exudate inactivates surfactant leading to collapse and consolidation of distal airspaces with progressive loss of the lung’s gas exchange surface area. This would be compensated for by hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, if the inflammatory process did not also effectively paralyse the lung’s means of controlling vascular tone, thereby allowing deoxygenated blood to cross unventilated lung units on its way to the left heart. The combination of these two processes causes profound hypoxaemia and eventually type 2 respiratory failure as hyperventilation fails to keep pace with carbon dioxide production.
Any diagnostic strategy for ARDS is sufficiently dependent on local factors, such as the prevalent causes of infectious pneumonia and access to imaging modalities, that a single protocol cannot be recommended. An exemplar from a tertiary referral centre used to dealing with complex and very severe cases is included (figure 1, p43–44). There are two main broad categories of condition that resemble ARDS but have a distinct pathophysiology: first, cardiovascular conditions of rapid onset including left heart failure, right-to-left vascular shunts usually with some lung pathology and major pulmonary embolism; second, lung conditions which develop more slowly than ARDS, for example, interstitial lung diseases (especially acute interstitial pneumonia), bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma, lymphangitis and the pulmonary vasculitides.