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P057 Sleep in patients living with mesothelioma: a scoping review
  1. Karamo Cham and
  2. Alex Perkins
  1. Swansea University, Swansea, UK


Introduction Poor sleep quality is common for patients living with cancer,1 and is linked with poor quality of life, psychological disorders, and poor outcomes.2 Interventions designed to optimise sleep quality therefore have the potential to improve patient wellbeing.3 This may be important for people living with cancers such as mesothelioma, where a poor prognosis may tend towards palliative management regimes.

Few studies have attempted to describe the scale or nature of poor sleep quality in patients living with mesothelioma, so this review aims to establish the type of sleep-related outcomes that have been applied in studies of this population.

Method The PubMed database was used to search for studies that have included measures of sleep, or sleep quality in patients living with mesothelioma. Search terms included: Mesothelioma AND (Sleep* OR Tiredness).

Results The initial search yielded 160 results, after eligibility screening 16 full text studies were included in the qualitative synthesis (see figure 1). The most common method of evaluating sleep or sleep quality in mesothelioma was the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire.4 Other methods included the lung cancer symptom scale,5 and the Sheffield Profile for Assessment and Referral to Care,6 as well as various un-validated or subjective free-text responses (see table 1).

Abstract P057 Figure 1

Eligibility and screening flow-chart. 125 results were excluded as not being relevant, and 8 studies could not be accessed. A further 11 full-text studies were excluded as they did not include sleep-related measures. A total 16 full-text studies were included in the analysis

Abstract P057 Table 1

Summary of sleep-related measures used in mesothelioma populations

Discussion The studies identified have included fairly superficial measures of sleep or sleep quality (see table 1). Items in the generic cancer-related quality of life questionnaires relate to ‘difficulty’ or ‘trouble’ sleeping, as well as daytime sleepiness. There were no studies using objectives or subjective measures of sleep such as actigraphy or diaries, and no sleep-specific quality of life questionnaires.

Conclusion Further work is required to understand the nature and impact of poor sleep quality in this population. This should include objective measurement, sleep-specific questionnaires, and qualitative analysis.


  1. Liu L, Ancoli-Israel S. Sleep disturbances in cancer. Psychiatric annals 2008. 38(9), 627–634.

  2. Fleming L, MacMahon K. CBT-I in cancer: we know it works, so why are we waiting? Current Sleep Medicine Reports 2015;1(3):177–183.

  3. Fleming L, Randell K, Harvey CJ, Espie CA. Does cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia reduce clinical levels of fatigue, anxiety and depression in cancer patients?Psycho-Oncology 2014;23(6):679–684.

  4. EORTC (2018). EORTC QLQ-C30 (version 3). Retrieved from EORTC:

  5. LCSS. (2013, January 12). Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS). Retrieved from LCSS:

  6. Hughes P, Ahmed N, Winslow M, Walters SJ, Collins K, Noble B. Consumer views on a new holistic screening tool for supportive and palliative-care needs: Sheffield Profile for Assessment and Referral for Care (SPARC): A survey of self-help support groups in health care. Health Expectations 2015.

  7. Wilcock A, Hussain A, Maddocks M. Holistic Needs of People with Thoracic Cancer Identified by the Sheffield Profile for Assessment and Referral to Care Questionnaire. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2019.

  8. O’Brien ME, Saini A, Smith IE, Webb A, Gregory K, Mendes R, Souberbielle BE. A randomized phase II study of SRL172 (Mycobacterium vaccae) combined with chemotherapy in patients with advanced inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer and mesothelioma. British Journal of Cancer 2000.

  9. Günday M, Erinanç H, Geredeli Ç. Unusual region for pericardial malignant mesothelioma: Cutaneous manifestation in a Turkish woman. Rare Tumors 2013.

  10. Cordes ME, Brueggen C. (2003). Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma: Part II. Symptom management. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.

  11. Bates GE, Hashmi AK, Bressler T, Zajac J, Hesdorffer M, Taub RN. (2016). Approach to offering remote support to mesothelioma patients: the mesothelioma survivor project. Translational Lung Cancer Research.

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