In this post hoc explorative study, we used per-protocol data from our recent RCT12 where we compared SLH with PExT within a 10 weeks community-based PR programme. We found that SLH provided physiological improvement in patients who achieved 6MWD-MID (=physical exercise capacity) and/or SGRQ (=QoL); however, we observed more improvements in those achieving SGRQ-MID. Specifically, SLH was associated with improved MIP and single breath count test. We found no significant overlap and/or close association between achieving 6MWD-MID and/or SGRQ-MID.
Achieving 6MWD-MID and/or SGRQ-MID in SLH participants
We observed that less than a third of SLH participants (31/108) achieved 6MWD-MID, whereas almost a half (53/108) achieved SGRQ-MID (table 1). Impact of singing/SLH on exercise capacity has not yet been established, and no previous studies have reported on the proportion of participants achieving MID in walking distance tests.19 36–40 The improvement in SGRQ, though, falls in line with reporting of impact of singing/SLH on QoL in previous studies.3 13 14 41 42 Interestingly, the change found in this study was much larger in the 6MWD stratum and in those achieving 6MWD-MID (61.8 m (SD 41.9)) than in the intention-to-treat analysis of the RCT.12 For the SGRQ stratum, change was also higher (24.8 m (SD 43.2)) but did not reach MID. Regarding SGRQ, however, MID was achieved in both outcomes (6MWD stratum: −6.7 (SD 12.0); SGRQ stratum: −11.8 (SD 7.5)).
The SLH participants achieving 6MWD-MID had lower BMI, FEV1/FVC ratio, and 6MWD at baseline compared with those who did not achieve MID (online supplemental table S3A). Those achieving SGRQ-MID had lower BMI and lower parameters related to lung function, inspiratory control and function, and dyspnoea control (online supplemental table S4A). Evidently, it is easier to improve from a poorer and more challenged starting point, for example either with a very high or a very low BMI.43 Yet, interestingly, the same pattern was not present in the supplementary analyses of the PExT group, which, notably, however, represented a smaller sample size and, thus, this observation may not be valid. It would be interesting to investigate predictors associated with improvements as this might guide which activity a specific patient phenotype should be referred for and, thus, potentially might help to overcome usual barriers, for example regarding attendance.
Physiological changes in ‘effective’ SLH
A key element in singing is a controlled and coordinated breathing pattern with diaphragmatic breathing and extended expiration to support vocalisation.3 10 13 14 42
The recent narrative review2 suggested that singing may improve aspects in breathing pattern, respiratory control, hyperinflation, dyspnoea, health-related QoL, and interoception. Improved physical capacity and activity has likewise been reported in some previous studies besides enhanced respiratory well-being.20 36 41 44 However, specific physiological changes have not been convincingly confirmed.2 4 20 42 In accordance with formerly posed requests,2 the present study explored whether SLH might be associated with change in any detectable physiological parameters specifically focusing on measures reflecting lung function, inspiratory muscle strength and control, dyspnoea and breathing control, and exercise-induced changes in pulse and saturation.
Previous studies have reported that studies on singing lack consistency when addressing lung function, perception of dyspnoea, and improved breathing pattern, ranging from self-reported perception of improved lung function to guideline-based measurement of spirometry and inspiratory pressure.2 This lack of consistency in perceptions and clinical effects has also been addressed in previous studies4 20 42 and a more holistic view on effects may be relevant to consider due to the complex nature of SLH and other approaches to singing. For example, the notion of lung function may also need to include evaluation of dyspnoea, MIP and physical capacity.42 Previously, it has been suggested that singing improves lung function9 41 42 which we, however, did not observe in the present study - when measured solely by spirometry.
Interestingly, in this study, achievement of SGRQ-MID was associated with improved MIP and single breath count test (table 1) which we did not observe in the proportion of patients achieving 6MWD-MID. Furthermore, achieving SGRQ-MID was associated with a more pronounced 6MWD improvement (table 1) than the corresponding improvement in SGRQ observed in patients achieving 6MWD-MID (table 1). Surprisingly, we observed no significant associated physiological changes in PExT neither when achieving 6MWD-MID nor SGRQ-MID (online supplemental tables S5 and S6). This could suggest that SLH might provide more benefits which, however, is only speculative, not at least as the overall study groups differed in size and as it was not the aim of this study to compare SLH and PExT. We are not aware of other PR studies measuring agreement and association between objectively and subjectively defined outcomes, but several previous studies on singing3 4 20 have addressed a discrepancy between physiological and psychosocial benefits and, further, between perceived and clinically observed benefits.
MIP may express inspiratory muscle strength and control and may be correlated to detect changes in general muscle strength and physical capacity (6MWD).45 MIP has earlier been included in studies of singing and positive effects have been observed in diseases where respiratory function is also profoundly affected (for example cystic fibrosis;46 Parkinson’s disease),47 48 but not in COPD.13 42 This study found significant between-group changes in MIP, however, only in the SGRQ stratum.
Changes in the single breath count test might be an indication of strength, control, and coordination in the respiratory muscles, tolerance of CO2 retention, efficiency and stability of subglottal pressure, and operating lung volumes.2 In our present study, single breath count test was included to indicate dyspnoea and breathing control and has previously been used in assessment of hyperventilation.19 Positive changes in single breath count test have been reported in some studies of singing in COPD,32 but not all.19 41 42 We observed significant improvements in both MIP and single breath count test in the SGRQ stratum (table 1) suggesting that SLH may improve inspiratory muscle strength and control and may lead to an experience of less dyspnoea and enhanced breathing control. This may be explained by the systematic training of the inspiratory and expiratory muscles during singing and the SLH programme’s focus on prolonging the expiration which may increase tolerance of hypoventilation. This training may induce lower operating volume with lower setting of tidal volume—closer to ideal resting position—and, thus, to reduction of hyperinflation and perception of dyspnoea. In any case, both the MIP and the single breath count tests would be easily implementable and might be considered relevant to supplement standard assessment in COPD.33
It has been suggested that participants experience that singing/SLH provides similar effects as PExT.24 49 In the present study, we observed an association between achieving 6MWD-MID and improving heart rate response. This may reflect an increase in overall fitness and dynamics which may be in line with a recent study suggesting that physiological demands in SLH correspond to those of ‘brisk pace’ walking, however observed in healthy people.40
Additional tendencies (in case of exploratory acceptance of p values between 0.05 and 0.10 and/or tendencies related to within-group changes) were observed in the proportion of participants achieving 6MWD-MID regarding measures FEV1, MIP, single breath count, and heart rate response (table 1). More observations and sufficiently powered studies are needed to clarify whether the observed trends are true effects with a type II error or not.
To sum up, our study does not convincingly support that singing improves lung function as previously indicated. Rather, the study may support previous suggestions that singing/SLH may be associated with improved inspiratory muscle strength and control, dyspnoea and breathing control, and QoL. Furthermore, our study may support previous indications of SLH being associated with improved physical fitness and exercise capacity.
Strengths and limitations
The present study has both strengths and weaknesses. Previous studies on singing in respiratory disease have mainly focused on perceived effect, and studies focusing on objective parameters have largely failed to confirm these perceived benefits.1 3 4 20
Our study was based on data from a large-scale and rigorous RCT with well-described interventions and real-life delivery of community-based PR and with validated and established outcome variables commonly used in PR trials. Data were analysed and reported with transparent and basic methods,12 thus aiming to minimise selection, detection and reporting bias.
We strived for transparent analyses, reporting and discussion aiming to reduce risk of reporting and publication bias. However, the present study was obviously not powered to detect changes being an explorative study based on post hoc analyses in a selected population and, thus, with low rating in the evidence hierarchy. There are several aspects that may cause measurement and reporting bias. The small and selected population, the difference between overall study group sizes, and potential overexaggerating of findings may lead to type I error. A type II error is also possible due to different samples between the 6MWD and SGRQ strata with a smaller subgroup of participants achieving 6MWD-MID than SGRQ-MID. Furthermore, the study reflected observations from a short-term, proof-of-concept study without long-term data and without potential to address persistence of any of the observed changes. The study did not include comprehensive assessment measurements of advanced lung function measurement,50 for example static lung volumes (total lung capacity, expiratory reserve volume, residual volume), diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide, impulse oscillometry, arterial or capillary blood gas measurement, or helium dilution lung volume measurement. Neither did we include assessment of biomarkers, high-resolution chest CT, body plethysmography or ultrasound-measurement of diaphragmatic thickness or mobility to assess emphysema, hyperinflation, airway resistance, small airways involvement, or diaphragmatic strength. Neither of these are, however, standard in assessment of outcome of PR for COPD yet; however, it would be interesting and relevant to include such parameters in future research on SLH besides testing of physical activity (although challenging to measure),51 EKG, and exercise stress test, for example chair stand test, in future studies.
The study did not investigate SLH as an add-on to PExT, a combination that may likely be superior to each modality alone in providing benefits and effects and which should also be addressed in future studies. Lastly, several findings and aspects in our study remain to be sufficiently explained and are rather to be regarded as observations. Further studies are needed to investigate these aspects.