Table 4

Adjusted ORs and regression coefficients (β) for variables included in a more comprehensive risk score

OR*(95% CI)β(95% CI)
Smoking status
 Former4.36(4.00 to 4.75)1.47(1.39 to 1.56)
 Current12.0(10.97 to 13.12)2.48(2.40 to 2.57)
 Missing2.87(2.52 to 3.26)1.05(0.92 to 1.18)
Asthma1.89(1.71 to 2.08)0.64(0.54 to 0.73)
 11.81(1.64 to 1.99)0.59(0.49 to 0.69)
 >12.23(1.96 to 2.54)0.80(0.67 to 0.93)
Presentations with cough†
 11.42(1.30 to 1.56)0.35(0.26 to 0.44)
 >11.77(1.59 to 1.97)0.57(0.46 to 0.68)
Presentations with dyspnoea†
 13.17(2.82 to 3.57)1.16(1.04 to 1.27)
 >14.53(3.89 to 5.28)1.51(1.36 to 1.66)
Wheeze†1.86(1.60 to 2.17)0.62(0.47 to 0.77)
Sputum production†1.49(1.17 to 1.90)0.40(0.16 to 0.64)
Unintended weight loss†1.75(1.33 to 2.31)0.56(0.29 to 0.84)
Antibiotic courses for a LRTI†
 11.33(1.23 to 1.44)0.29(0.21 to 0.37)
 21.53(1.38 to 1.70)0.43(0.32 to 0.53)
 >21.80(1.62 to 2.01)0.59(0.48 to 0.70)
Salbutamol†4.19(3.81 to 4.61)1.43(1.34 to 1.53)
Prednisolone†1.53(1.38 to 1.69)0.42(0.32 to 0.52)
  • As this model was developed using case-control data, the intercept term is not applicable and has therefore not been presented. The c statistic for this model in the external validation sample was 0.87 (95% CI 0.86 to 0.87).

  • *Estimated using a multivariable conditional logistic regression model.

  • †Within 3 years of COPD diagnosis or equivalent matched time point for controls.

  • Risk score=(former smoker×1.47)+(current smoker×2.48)+(unknown smoking status×1.05)+(asthma×0.64)+(1 episode of LRTI×0.59)+ (>1 episode of LRTI×0.80)+(1 episode of cough×0.35)+(>1 episode of cough×0.57)+(1 episode of dyspnoea×1.16)+(>1 episode of dyspnoea×1.15)+(wheeze×0.62)+(sputum×0.40)+(unintended weight loss×0.56)+(1 antibiotic course×0.29)+(2 antibiotic course×0.43)+ (>2 antibiotic courses×0.59)+(salbutamol×1.43)+(prednisolone×0.42).

  • NB. Each variable can either take the value 0 (not present) or 1 (present).For example, A former smoker with a history of asthma who presented with more than one lower respiratory tract infection and episode of cough in the past 3 years, reported of unintended weight loss and received salbutamol and 2 course of antibiotics for a LRTI in the past 3 years would have the following risk score:

  • (1×1.47)+(0×2.48)+(0×1.05)+(1×0.64)+(0×0.59)+(1×0.80)+(0×0.35)+(1×0.57)+(0×1.16)+(0×1.15)+(0×0.62)+(0×0.40)+(1×0.56)+(0×0.29)+(1×0.43)+(0×0.59)+(1×1.43)+(0×0.42)=5.9.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection.