Table 2

Dimensions of childhood adversity and prevalence of asthma

Sample distribution of ACE dimensionsAsthma lifetime prevalence* (%)Asthma current prevalence* (%)
Parental marital discord†
 No66 118 (78.78)8069 (12.20)5596 (8.62)
 Yes17 350 (20.67)2909 (16.77)2063 (12.09)
 Never married457 (0.54)90 (19.69)65 (14.51)
 Total83 925 (100.00)
Stressful living conditions‡
 No55 290 (65.54)6151 (11.12)4209 (7.77)
 Yes29 076 (34.46)4985 (17.14)3560 (12.41)
 Total84 366 (100.00)
Experience of verbal abuse
 No55 966 (67.38)6412 (11.46)4425 (8.05)
 Yes27 096 (32.62)4543 (16.77)3210 (12.02)
 Total83 062 (100.00)
Experiences of physical violence (on individual or parent)§
 No64 880 (77.22)7701 (11.87)5267 (8.27)
 Yes19 143 (22.78)3388 (17.70)2469 (13.10)
 Total84 023 (100.00)
Experiences of sexual abuse in childhood¶
 No73 475 (87.71)8936 (12.16)6141 (8.51)
 Yes10 294 (12.29)2094 (20.34)1528 (15.28)
 Total83 769 (100.00)
  • *Differences were statistically significant with p<0.0001.

  • †Marital status of parents: were they divorced/separated?

  • ‡Lived with someone who was depressed, mentally ill, suicidal, alcoholic, illegal drug user or had served time in prison.

  • §Experienced violence in the household (verbal or physical).

  • ¶Experience of sexual abuse.

  • ACE, adverse childhood experience.