Table 2

Overall results from the testing process

Monitor electronically recorded actuationWritten diary actuation log
Sensitivity* 99.9% (99.6%)
Positive predictive value* 99.9% (99.7%)
  • 1. Data from day 0 uploaded to V.7.7 Smartinhaler Connection Centre programme. Subsequently, all data were uploaded to V.7.8 Smartinhaler Connection Centre programme.

  • 2. Investigators were unable to access the Adherium website to upload data on day 14, so data were uploaded on day 15 when access was gained.

  • 3. All data from day 14 (320/320 actuations) were 1 h discrepant (to within 3 min), in keeping with the time prior to the cessation of the New Zealand daylight savings period on day 8. This discrepancy applied to data on day 14 only.

  • *Sensitivity is the proportion of diary actuations electronically recorded by the monitor expressed as a percentage (lower 97.5% confidence bound). Positive predictive value is the proportion of monitor recorded actuations that were recorded in the diary expressed as a percentage (lower 97.5% confidence bound).