Table 9

Isolation of chronic microorganisms of interest during positive MAC sputum culture, during MAC treatment and after MAC sputum conversion

Chronic MSSA co-infection (n=64)Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa co-infection (n=35)Chronic Aspergillus co-infection (n=18)
During positive MAC sputum culture41 (64.1)9 (25.7)9 (50.0)
During MAC treatment2 (5.4)*18 (75.0)*9 (81.8)*
After MAC sputum conversion32 (69.6)†27 (93.1)†9 (81.8)†
  • *MAC treatment was received in patients with chronic MSSA co-infection (n=37), chronic P. aeruginosa co-infection (n=24) and chronic Aspergillus co-infection (n=11).

  • †Patients with chronic MSSA co-infection (n=46), chronic P. aeruginosa co-infection (n=29) and chronic Aspergillus co-infection (n=11) converted sputum culture of MAC.

  • MAC, Mycobacterium avium complex; MSSA, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.