TableĀ 1

Baseline demographics of study cohort

Demographics/patient factorsFrequency (%)
Population size397
Male231 (58%)
Median age (IQR)35 (25)
Pulmonary TB166 (42%)
Non-pulmonary TB231 (58%)
Indian subcontinent117 (29%)
Black African111 (28%)
White74 (19%)
Black Caribbean22 (6%)
Arabic26 (7%)
Other ethnicity47 (12%)
Born outside UK309 (78%)
Previous BCG vaccination223 (56%)
Previous TB infection16 (4%)
Unemployed67 (17%)
Homelessness29 (7%)
Drug misuse22 (6%)
History of imprisonment17 (4%)
Not registered with GP79 (20%)
  • GP, general practitioner; TB, tuberculosis.