Table 1


Study definitions
 WHO severe pneumoniaCough and/or difficult breathing with lower chest indrawing and no WHO danger signs
 WHO very severe pneumoniaCough and/or difficult breathing with at least one danger sign (central cyanosis, difficulty breastfeeding or drinking, vomiting everything, convulsions, lethargy, or unconsciousness, head nodding)
 ARI controlCough or runny nose reported or if (A) ear discharge, wheeze or difficulty breathing and (B) either fever (temperature >38.0°C or reported fever in the past 48 hours) or sore throat were reported.
 Non-ARI controlDoes not meet definition of case or ARI control.
Lung soundsDescriptionInspirationExpiration
 NormalSoft, not musicalThroughoutEarly only
 CrackleShort, explosive, not musical, popping; usually repetitivePrimarily (but can be variable)Less common and usually with inspiratory crackles
 WheezeMusical, long duration; can be high or low pitchPossiblePrimarily, prolonged
 UninterpretablePersistent crying or poor quality such that no full breath sounds are heardYesYes
 Upper airway noises, not stridorGenerally louder at cheek, may mimic a low pitch wheeze or have ‘snorting’ quality similar to a crackle, can also be a vocalisationPossiblePossible
 Upper airway noises, primarily stridorGenerally louder at cheek, may mimic high pitched wheeze although is typically inspiratory onlyPrimarilyPossible, but less common
  • ARI, acute respiratory illness.