 Total*742282 (38.0)460 (62.0)‡90 (12.1)§170 (22.9)200 (27.0)§
 Kenya12562 (49.6)63 (50.4)14 (11.2)27 (21.6)22 (17.6)
 The Gambia808 (10.0)72 (90.0)6 (7.5)40 (50.0)26 (32.5)
 Zambia234117 (50.0)117 (50.0)34 (14.5)40 (17.1)43 (18.4)
 South Africa9438 (40.4)56 (59.6)15 (16.0)12 (12.8)29 (30.9)
 Bangladesh14534 (23.4)111 (76.6)13 (9.0)30 (20.7)68 (46.9)
 Thailand6423 (35.9)41 (64.1)8 (12.5)21 (32.8)12 (18.8)
  • *Seventeen out of 301 controls (5.6%) and 50/792 cases (6.3%) were excluded since the final panel lung examination result was uninterpretable; p value=0.666. Note that the denominators reflect the final full panel result (excluding uninterpretable results) including interpretations by the third and final two listeners, as necessary, who adjudicated any discordant results between primary listeners or between the first three listeners, respectively.

  • †Any crackle or any wheeze.

  • ‡Proportion of abnormal lung sound examinations in cases (62.0%) versus all controls (15.1%); p value<0.001.

  • §Proportion of lung examinations with crackle only (12.1%) versus crackle and wheeze (27.0%); p value<0.001.

  • ARI, acute respiratory infection; PERCH, Pneumonia Etiology for Child Health.