Table 2

Association of subjects’ symptoms with lung function

VariableHaving any respiratory symptomsHaving mMRC score ≥1
r2 OR±SEMP valuesr2 OR±SEMP values
RV/TLC (%)0.031.09±0.04 0.011 0.051.09±0.060.112
FEV1/FVC (%)0.031.07±0.04 0.045 0.031.01±0.060.882
FEV1 (L)0.020.58±0.250.2160.040.44±0.350.302
FEF25–75 (L/s)0.021.10±0.240.6810.031.06±0.400.875
FEF75 (L/s)0.021.06±0.430.8840.031.24±0.830.754
TLC (L)0.020.72±0.190.2040.030.84±0.380.698
RV (L)0.021.59±0.720.3100.031.72±1.300.471
FRC (L)0.020.88±0.260.6830.041.77±0.840.225
  • The subjects’ symptoms and activity level was scored as whether they have ever reported shortness of breath, cough ≥2 episodes/year or less activity than peers. Logistic regression model of respiratory symptoms with lung functions and adjustments: OR of having symptoms=β01(age)+β2(sex)+β3(height)+β4(weight)+β3(lung function index).

  • Significant P values are shown in bold. n=256.

  • FEF25–75, maximum airflow at mid-lung volume; FEF75, maximum airflow at low-lung volume; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FRC, functional residual capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council; r2, model fit; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.