Table 1

Comparison of demographic factors between community COPD-positive and community COPD-negative participants.

COPD negative (63.0%, n=34)COPD positive (37.0%, n=20)P values
Demographics: % (n) or mean (SD)
 Age (years)45.7 (8.92)54.9 (13.6)0.004
 Being female64.7% (22)40.0% (8)0.08
 Body mass index (kg/m2)26.4 (5.01)20.0 (2.99)<0.001
 Primary education or less76.5% (26)95.0% (19)0.08
 Household size >3 people82.4% (28)50.0% (10)0.012
Risk factors: % (n)
 Current smoking2.9 (1)30.0 (6)0.004
 Obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2)26.5 (9)0 (0)0.012
 Self-reported HIV3.5 (1)14.3 (2)0.19
 Self-reported tuberculosis3.9 (1)20.0 (3)0.09
 Household biomass use97.1 (33)100 (20)0.44
Prebronchodilator spirometry: mean (SD)
 FEV1 (L)2.50 (0.47)1.57 (0.80)<0.001
 % Predicted0.92 (0.13)0.62 (0.23)<0.001
 FVC (L)3.12 (0.50)2.68 (1.16)0.06
 % Predicted0.93 (0.11)0.84 (0.24)0.05
 FEV1/FVC ratio80.1 (6.69)57.5 (9.98)<0.001
 % Predicted0.99 (0.08)0.72 (0.12)<0.001
Symptoms: % (n)
 Cough9.1 (3)35.0 (7)0.019
 Phlegm10.7 (3)5.3 (1)0.51
 Wheeze7.1 (2)10.5 (2)0.68
 Dyspnoea with exertion14.3 (4)26.3 (5)0.30
  • P value represents results from t-test or Χ2 test.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity.