Table 1

Overview of the questionnaires and scales used

ItemStart of studyStart of each dayUp to every 1–2 waking hours)End of dayEnd of week*End of study*
Main application-base study
Age, sexX
Weight and heightX
Self-reported level of mobility (Grimby-Frändin)24 X
Physician-diagnosed diseases (according to participant)X
Smoking status (never, past, current smoking)X
Modified personality trait of symptom sensitivity (PHQ-15)16 X
Mental state (anxiety/depression) (0–10 NRS)XXX
Self-perceived overall well-being (0–10 NRS)XXX
Self-efficacy regarding breathlessness (online supplementary appendix 1c)XXXX
Breathlessness (0–10 NRS)
Modified Medical Research Council25–28 XX
Intensity during the previous night (0–10 NRS)X
Intensity ‘last 10–15 min’ (0–10 NRS)XX
Intensity during the time period (0–10 NRS)XX
Unpleasantness of breathlessness and intensity of descriptors of breathlessness (MDP)6 29 XXXX
Emotional responses related to breathlessness during the time period (MDP)6 29 XXX
Intensity during the past week (0–10 NRS)XXX
Predicted intensity for the coming week (0–10 NRS)X
Predicted intensity for the coming day (0–10 NRS)XXX
Previous technology and Internet experience and usage (online supplementary appendix 1a)X
User experience of the application used in the trial (online supplementary appendix 1b)X
  • MDP, multidimensional dyspnoea profile; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire.