Table 2

Smoking and pre-bronchodilator FEV1, FVC and FEV1:FVC in working-age adults with newly diagnosed asthma, the Finnish Environment and Asthma Study 1997–2000

SmokingEffect estimate, FEV1, LEffect estimate, FVC, LEffect estimate, FEV1:FVC
β95% CIβ95% CIβ95% CI
 Quit >1 year ago0.026−0.127 to 0.1780.056−0.097 to 0.209−0.007−0.032 to 0.017
 Quit <1 year ago0.245 0.485 to − 0.004 −0.065−0.304 to 0.1730.041 0.079 to − 0.002
 Occasional−0.033−0.277 to 0.211−0.045−0.287 to 0.1970.010−0.029 to 0.049
 Regular0.208 0.355 to − 0.061 −0.055−0.202 to 0.0920.054 0.077 to − 0.030
 Quit >1 year ago0.025−0.297 to 0.346−0.088−0.381 to 0.2050.016−0.031 to 0.063
 Quit <1 year ago−0.428−0.902 to 0.046−0.207−0.635 to 0.221−0.063−0.131 to 0.006
 Occasional0.033−0.564 to 0.6310.045−0.495 to 0.585−0.004−0.090 to 0.083
 Regular−0.235−0.568 to 0.098−0.109−0.410 to 0.1920.051 0.099 to − 0.003
 Quit >1 year ago0.025−0.134 to 0.1840.155−0.022 to 0.332−0.023−0.053 to 0.007
 Quit <1 year ago−0.144−0.394 to 0.105−0.085−0.363 to 0.192−0.021−0.067 to 0.026
 Occasional−0.018−0.247 to 0.211−0.104−0.359 to 0.1510.015−0.028 to 0.058
 Regular0.151 0.296 to − 0.007 0.002−0.159 to 0.1630.045 0.072 to − 0.018
  • *Adjusted for sex, age, height, education, past 12 months secondhand smoking (SHS), lifetime cumulative SHS, and mould odour.

  • †Pre-bronchodilator FEV1 is available for 486 participants (167 men and 319 women), of whom smoking status missing for 3 (1 man and 2 women) and height is missing for 3 women.

  • ‡Pre-bronchodilator FVC is available for 484 participants (166 men and 318 women) of whom smoking status missing for 3 (1 man and 2 women) and height is missing for 3 women.

  • §Pre-bronchodilator FEV1:FVC is available for 484 participants (166 men and 318 women) of whom smoking status missing for 3 (1 man and 2 women) and height is missing for 3.

  • ¶Adjusted for age, height, education, past 12 months SHS, lifetime cumulative SHS and mould odour.