Table 2

Interobserver agreement at the primary reader level

CharacteristicFrequency of characteristic, n/N (%)*Overall observed agreement, (%)†Unadjusted kappa95% CIAdjusted kappa‡
Uninterpretable§28/9723 (0.3)0.980.250.23 to 0.270.97
Rotated2/21 (9.5)0.860.490.07 to 0.910.71
Blurry7/21 (33.3)0.760.520.09 to 0.950.52
Over penetrated0/21 (0)0.950.000 to 00.90
Under penetrated3/21 (14.3)0.900.690.26 to 1.120.81
Clipped image5/21 (23.8)0.950.880.45 to 1.30.90
Any PEP¶959/9533 (10.1)0.790.350.33 to 0.370.57
Air bronchogram**14/692 (2.0)0.870.180.10 to 0.250.75
Silhouette sign**360/692 (52.0)0.720.390.31 to 0.460.45
Size criteria**361/692 (52.2)0.650.160.09 to 0.240.29
Pleural effusion45/959 (4.7) to 1.061.00
Aged 3–11 months492/4990 (9.9)0.790.360.33 to 0.380.58
Aged 12–23 months311/3016 (10.3)0.780.340.30 to 0.370.55
Aged 24–35 months156/1527 (10.2)0.790.350.30 to 0.400.57
Right-sided PEP only480/9533 (5.0)0.830.280.26 to 0.300.66
Left-sided pleural pneumonia only120/9533 (1.3)0.940.270.25 to 0.290.88
Bilateral PEP (both)58/9533 (0.6)0.960.210.19 to 0.230.92
Bilateral PEP (any)269/9533 (2.8)0.810.120.10 to 0.140.62
  • *Both primary readers agreed to the presence of characteristic. Discordant interpretations were assumed to not have the characteristic.

  • †Both primary readers agreed to either the presence or absence of the characteristic.

  • ‡Prevalence-adjusted, bias-adjusted kappa statistic.

  • §7 Uninterpretable images are missing data on image characteristics.

  • ¶190 of 9723 images were classified as by either primary reader as uninterpretable and were excluded.

  • **267 of the 959 images classified by primary readers as PEP are missing data on image features.

  • PEP, primary endpoint pneumonia.