Table 3

ECCO2R compared to standard care for acute respiratory distress syndrome

Patient or population: adults with ARDS
Settings: intensive care
Intervention: ECCO2R
Comparison: standard care
OutcomesRelative effect (95% CI)No. of participants (studies)Quality of evidence (GRADE)Comments
Mortality (hospital)No MA conducted457
(13 studies)
Due to serious risk of bias, serious inconsistency, serious indirectness and serious imprecision
Mostly observational studies. Only two RCTs performed. No MA performed as variable approach to ECCO2R and standard ventilator strategies. Mortality estimates presented as simple descriptions
27%–75% (mean 55.5%, SD 47.2 to 60.3)
Adverse eventsNo MA conducted485
(13 studies)
Due to serious risk of bias, serious inconsistency, serious indirectness and serious imprecision
0%–25% incidence of arterial injury. Higher incidence of transfusion reported in two studies.
Complications presented as aggregated simple descriptions—0%–25%
  • ECCO2R, extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal.