Table 3

Settings and populations used in content validity evaluation of CAP-specific PROM instruments

InstrumentStudy referenceSettingPopulationDiseaseMode of instrument administrationRecall period
CAP-SymLamping et al2962% hospitalised.
Participants from 13 countries.
Mean (SD) age 50.4 (18.7) years.
13 language groups.
Any severityUnspecifiedOn day of completion
CAP-BIQWyrwich et al1960% outpatients.
Participants from USA.
Mean (SD) age 62.4 (8.6) years.
51% college educated.
Any severityWeb-based self-administrationUp to 120 days after diagnosis
CAP ScoreEl Moussaoui et al30All hospitalised.
Participants from the Netherlands.
Mean (SD) age 56 (17.8) years.
Severe excludedFace-to face or telephone interviewUp to 1 month
Metlay Score 1Metlay et al3165% outpatients.
Participants from USA and Canada.
78% aged <60 years.
33% college educated.
Low-risk of mortality onlyFace-to face or telephone interview or self-complete.Up to 1 month
Metlay Score 2Metlay et al3256% outpatients.
Participants from USA.
Mean age 52.7 years.
Low-risk of mortality onlyAdministered daily in self-complete diary formatOn day of completion
  • CAP, community-acquired pneumonia;CAP-BIQ, CAP Burden of Illness Questionnaire;CAP-Sym, CAP Symptom Questionnaire;PROM, patient-reported outcome measure.