Table 2

Quotes illustrating the 'Appetite for balanced information' theme

Theme 1: ‘appetite for balanced information’
Fatalism and perception of lung cancer as incurable
‘they were 99.9% certain they’d got rid of all the cancer … but 3 weeks later it was back‘F5, FG67_FS_ED−
‘I thought they didn’t do surgery for lung cancer’F2, FG63_CS_ED−
‘My father had it (lung cancer), but really in the ‘70 s so it was… quite new, it wasn’t a new cancer but it was… to survive it, and he survived it’F4, FG67_FS_ED−
Belief in screening
‘I think the message … for things like breast cancer and bowel cancer … is that people can actually be cured from it … I think most people see lung cancer as something which isn’t going to be cured’INT38_GP
‘I mean people who throw it (bowel screening kit) away I don’t understand, quite frankly, for the effort it takes. Any prevention is better than cure’M6, FG63_CS_ED+
‘any screening that’s ever offered, I think anybody that doesn’t take it must be completely bonkers. I mean why wouldn’t you? If it’s offered. You need to know. And as early as possible’F7, FG64_FS_ED+
‘generally people want the test and it’s you saying to them, well actually you need to understand that we’ve got to have a good reason to do it because we might pick up things that are not helpful’INT38_GP
Right to an informed decision
‘you want to make a decision that’s an informed one … Not one where you say afterwards, oh, I didn’t know that … I just want to be told the full facts’F3, FG68_CS_ED−
‘I think now this is a concept in general practice of giving people the facts in a way that they can understand so that they can make that shared decision’INT61_GP
Too much information
‘There’s also an argument that says, do you really want to … access the information, because sometimes the information can be more scary (than the disease)’M6, FG70_CS_ED+
‘Oh, they manipulate everything these days to suit themselves … Because, because everybody from the Government, all the way down, massage things to suit whatever they’re doing at that time’F4, FG63_CS_ED+
  • CS, current smoker; ED, education; F, female; FG, focus group participants; FS, former smoker; GP, general practice; INT, interview participant; M, male.