Table 1

Agreed consensus statements for the assessment of HP diagnosis and/or cause in patients with unexplained ILD (n=54)

Statements% agree
All patients with suspected HP on clinical or radiological grounds should be referred for a regional ILD MDT opinion.83
In patients with ILD of unknown cause, the following clinical features increase the likelihood of a final diagnosis of HP:
  • History of exposure to a known cause.

  • Similar symptoms in cohabitants or coworkers.

  • Symptoms that improve away from the home or workplace.

The following tests should be requested for all patients with unexplained ILD:
  • Blood tests for specific IgG to known causes of HP.

In day-to-day practice, the following tests are useful in helping to differentiate HP from other forms of ILD:
  • Specific IgG blood tests to known causes.

  • Natural challenge (eg, improvement with avoidance of exposure).

  • HP, hypersensitivity pneumonitis; ILD, interstitial lung disease; MDT, multidisciplinary team.