Table 1

Demographic and procedural characteristics in the different study groups

VariableCOPDAsthmaControlComparison between COPD and control group, two-sided.
Female sex44.3%56.3%42.6%p=0.80
Age, years (SD)67.4 (7.3)65.5 (12.6)65.7 (7.9)p=0.11
Body mass index (SD)26.6 (4.7)25.1 (2.9)26.7 (3.8)p=0.81
Smoking statusp≤0.01
FEV1/FVC ratio (SD)0.46 (0.13)0.67 (0.09)0.74 (0.05)p≤0.01
FEV1 % of predicted (SD)56.1 (19.7)90.7 (13.3)103.9 (12.4)p≤0.01
 I8.2 %
 II50.8 %
 III24.6 %
 IV16.4 %
CAT score ≥1079.5%68.8%26.7%p≤0.01
PaO2 (SD)*9.6 (1.2)10.8 (1.1)11.1 (1.1)p≤0.01
PaCO2 (SD)*5.2 (0.5)4.95 (0.3)5.2 (0.5)p=0.31
Exacerbation ≥2 prev. year†17.2%6.25%
Dread of procedure (SD)‡4.0 (2.8)3.5 (2.4)3.3 (2.6)p=0.07
Received alfentanil sedation90.2%100%83.2%p=0.122
Total lidocaine dose, mg (SD)475 (54)479 (58)458 (45)p=0.01
BAL performed78.7%87.5%96.0%p≤0.01
Biopsies performed39.3%87.5%37.6%p=0.79
Less experienced bronchoscopist63.1%43.8%59.4%p=0.57
  • Dread of procedure was rated on a 0–10 scale, with 0 representing no dread and 10 worst dread.

  • *Three missing values (one control, two COPD).

  • †Five missing values (one COPD, four asthma).

  • ‡20 missing values (11 COPD, eight controls, one asthma).

  • BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; CAT, COPD assessment test; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume after 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Lung Disease stage; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; prev, previous.