Table 1

Baseline clinical characteristics of COPD patients with acute exacerbation within the study cohort (n=358 patients)

CharacteristicsMissing data n (%)AECOPD patients (n=358)
Male (n, %)0 (0)309−86.3
Age ≥80 years (n, %)0 (0)131−36.6
Age, years, mean (±SD)0 (0)74±11.1
Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (±SD)171 (47.8)20.4±4.2
Smoking status
 Never smoker (n, %)0 (0)20−5.6
 Ex-smoker (n, %)292−81.6
 Active smoker (n, %)46−12.9
Underlying diseases (n, %)
 Present (any)0 (0)296−82.7
 Hypertension0 (0)145−40.5
 Diabetes mellitus0 (0)44−12.3
 Dyslipidemia0 (0)48−13.4
 Ischaemic heart disease0 (0)36−10.1
 Atrial fibrillation0 (0)20−5.6
 Left ventricular dysfunction0 (0)6−1.7
 Chronic kidney disease0 (0)27−7.5
 Cerebrovascular disease0 (0)27−7.5
COPD status
 Spirometry done (n, %)0 (0)82−22.9
 FEV1, % predicted, median (IQR)276 (77.1)3829.0 to 57.0
 FVC, % predicted, median (IQR)277 (77.4)6451.0 to 84.0
 FEV1/FVC ratio, mean (±SD)276 (77.1)0.5±0.1
GOLD severity of airflow limitation (n, %)
  I: FEV1 ≥80% predicted276 (77.1)6−1.7
  II: FEV1 50–79% predicted20−5.6
  III: FEV1 30–49% predicted33−9.2
  IV: FEV1 <30% predicted23−6.4
 Long-term oxygen therapy, (n, %)0 (0)26−7.3
 Cor pulmonale (n, %)0 (0)12−3.4
Number of events in previous year
 Hospitalisation, median (IQR)25 (7.0)00 to 1
 ED visit, median (IQR)37 (10.3)00 to 2
Influenza vaccination0 (0)23−6.4
  • AECOPD, Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED, emergency department; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity.