Table 2

Adjusted K-BILD total and domain scores

Total score55.5 (51.9 to 59.1)62.6 (57.0 to 68.2)0.061
Breathlessness41.5 (36.8 to 46.2)48.5 (41.3 to 55.7)0.141
Chest symptoms66.2 (60.1 to 72.3)71.7 (62.5 to 81.0)0.362
Psychological55.5 (50.2 to 60.8)71.9 (63.8 to 80.1)0.003*
  • . Estimates are derived from analysis of covariance models, and represent the marginal mean K-BILD total or domain score at the mean value for each adjustment covariate (age, gender, FVC and DLCO). Presented as adjusted mean (95% CI).

  • *Remains significant after adjustment for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni-Holm method (nominal p value 0.003 is less than the critical Bonferroni-Holm value of 0.0125).

  • DLCO, diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide; FVC, forced vital capacity; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; K-BILD, Kings Brief Interstitial Lung Disease; SSc, systemic sclerosis.