Table 3

Diagnostic performance of individual scores for 30-day and 72-hour mortality

Score (n)Death (%)SensitivitySpecificityPPVNPV
Death by 30 days
<2 (273)46 (16.8)0.800.610.570.83
≥2 (332)188 (56.6)
<3 (434)125 (28.8)0.470.830.640.71
≥3 (171)109 (63.7)
<5 (215)46 (21.4)0.830.370.430.79
 ≥5 (515)224 (43.5)
<2 (596)196 (32.9)0.270.870.550.67
≥2 (134)74 (55.2)
Death within 72 hours
<2 (273)8 (2.9)0.860.480.150.97
≥2 (332)49 (14.8)
<3 (434)22 (5.1)0.610.750.200.95
≥3 (171)35 (20.5)
 <5 (215)5 (2.3)0.920.310.100.98
≥5 (515)54 (10.5)
 <2 (596)34 (5.7)0.420.840.190.94
≥2 (134)25 (18.7)
  • *Analysis restricted to those with consolidation on chest radiograph.

  • CURB-65, Confusion, Urea, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure and Age Above or Below 65 Years; NEWS2, National Early Warning Score 2; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.