Table 1

Timing of assessments

TimeScreening1 hour*6 hours*24 hours*24 hours*†
(till discharge)
Inclusion criteria*
Exclusion criteria*
Informed consent*
Demographics/medical history*
Arterial blood gas (ABG*)*****
NIV rate****
Intubation rate****
Dyspnoea score*****
Comfort score*
Physiological variables*****
Adverse event assessment****
  • *Or the nearest time-point when ABG is available. Any additional available ABG result will also be collected and imputed to the nearest hourly time-point. Additional blood sampling will be avoided to reduce patient discomfort.

  • †The 24 hours variables will be collected till death or discharge, whichever is earlier. ABG will be collected where available.

  • NIV, non-invasive ventilation.