Table 6

Prognostic significance of an increase in serum cytokine levels at day 8 from baseline levels for AE-IIPs: logistic regression analysis of 90-day mortality

ParametersOR*95% CIP value
Univariate analysis
 ΔIL-ra1.00030.9987 to 1.00380.7276
 ΔIL-26.59710.2441 to 453.95010.2575
 ΔIL-40.18540.000223 to 68.67630.5734
 ΔIL-51.18940.7046 to 2.16470.4765
 ΔIL-62.17430.8055 to 14.15240.1614
 ΔIL-712.65861.5148 to 407.24350.0130
 ΔIL-81.01640.9928 to 1.08420.3159
 ΔIL-93.75820.9318 to 34.83110.0692
 ΔIL-10489.77425.4452 to 3 967 4920.0002
 ΔIL-120.91460.0764 to 4.13730.9122
 ΔIL-130.33140.0034 to 4.55520.4703
 ΔIL-170.70840.0691 to 4.78830.7327
 ΔEotaxin/CCL110.93060.8249 to 1.00370.0657
 Δb-FGF1.42130.7410 to 2.98570.2883
 ΔG-CSF1.28781.0029 to 2.18240.0418
 ΔGM-CSF2.63460.0085 to 996.84760.7260
 ΔIFNγ24.24981.7469 to 4292.7260.0063
 ΔIP-10/CXCL101.00020.9986 to 1.00180.7270
 ΔMCP-1/CCL21.42481.0812 to 2.24060.0009
 ΔMIP-1α/CCL32.45280.9378 to 28.51210.1541
 ΔPDGF-BB1.01040.9931 to 1.03460.2433
 ΔMIP-1β/CCL41.00480.9970 to 1.02110.2765
 ΔRANTES/CCL51.00010.9999 to 1.00070.2813
 ΔTNF-α2.16150.9022 to 7.31860.0918
Multivariate analysis†
 ΔIL-10489.75.445 to 3 967 4920.0002
  • *OR >1 means an increase in each parameter (pg/mL) indicating a high risk of 90-day mortality.

  • †Multivariate logistic regression analysis with stepwise selection was performed using five significant (p<0.05) cytokines by univariate analysis: ΔIL-7, ΔIL10, ΔG-CSF, ΔIFN-γ and ΔMCP-1.

  • b-FGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; CCL, CC chemokine ligand; CXCL, CXC chemokine ligand; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; IIPs, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias; IL, interleukin; IP-10, IFN-γ inducible protein; MCP, monocyte chemotactic protein; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; RANTES, regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.