Table 1

Patient characteristics

PopulationPectus excavatum (n=30)Pectus carinatum (n=46)P value
Male gender, n (%)28 (93.3)43 (93.5)>0.99*
Age in years, mean (±SD)13.8 (±2.0)14.5 (±1.7)0.15#
Height for age in Z score, mean (±SD)0.93 (±1.01)0.84 (±0.92)0.69#
Weight for age in Z score, mean (±SD)−0.001 (±0.76)0.01 (±0.86)0.92#
Span in cm, mean (±SD)169.8 (±17.0)172.7 (±11.4)0.42#
Span/height ratio, mean (±SD)1.01 (±0.02)1.01 (±0.03)0.40#
Spinal deformity, n (%)5 (16.6)14 (30.4)
 Scoliosis, n (%)3 (10.0)8 (17.4)0.51*
 Kyphosis, n (%)2 (6.6)6 (13)0.47*
Familial history of pectus, n (%)13 (43)16 (34.8)0.48*
Pectus characteristics
Anteroposterior measure in cm, mean (±SD)5.7 (±1.4)10.1 (±1.3)<0.001#
Transverse measure in cm, mean (±SD)24.5 (±2.5)24.2 (±1.7)0.53#
Haller index, mean (±SD)4.62 (±1.33)2.44 (±0.32)<0.001#
Sternal angle in degrees, mean (±SD)12.22 (±9.77)8.49 (±6.38)0.09#
Thoracic symptoms10 (33)14 (30.43)0.80*
Pain at rest, n (%)6 (20.0)7 (15.2)0.76*
Exertion dyspnoea, n (%)4 (13.3)8 (17.4)0.75*
  • Comparison between the groups was performed with the Fisher’s exact test (*) or with the t-test (#).