Table 2

High-resolution CT findings in eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Solitary nodule or mass3 (37.5%)
Multiple nodules in single lobe limited1 (12.5%)
Multiple nodules in multiple lobes0
Consolidations4 (50.0%)
Nodules and masses7 (87.5%)
Multiple nodules/masses in the same lung lobe4 (50.0%)
Number of involved lobes
 15 (62.5%)
 42 (25.0%)
 51 (12.5%)
Size (mm)
 1–307 (87.5%)
 13 (37.5%)
 2–42 (25.0%)
 ≥102 (25.0%)
 Well-defined7 (87.5%)
 Convergence of bronchi and vessel0
 Pleural indentation0
 Consolidation4 (50.0%)
Number of involved lobes
 11 (12.5%)
 32 (25.0%)
 51 (12.5%)
Internal characteristics
 Air bronchogram5 (62.5%)
 Cavitation4 (50.0 %)
 Halo sign2 (25.0%)
 Satellite lesion5 (62.5%)
 Pleural effusion0
 Lymphadenopathy1 (12.5%)