Table 4

Multiple regression analysis for predicting the difference between EIBDHQ and EIDLW (n=33)

Outcome variableDependent variablesRegression coefficientsStandardised coefficientstP values95% CIVIFR2SEE
EIBDHQ−EIDLW(constant)−37061286−2.8820.008−6339 to −10720.617440
Age57.7014.120.5174.0870.00028.78 to 86.621.171
Weight−16.018.41−0.245−1.9030.067−33.25 to 1.221.209
HADS—anxiety63.8834.460.2241.8540.074−6.71 to 134.51.072
IL- to 5.301.200
  • EIBDHQ, energy intake estimated by brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire; EIDLW, energy intake calculated by doubly labelled water method; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IL-6, interleukin 6; SEE, SE of estimate; VIF, variance inflation factor.