Table 1

Summary of the demographic and clinical characteristics

CharacteristicCOVID-19-ICU (n=27)Control-ICU (n=10)P value
Age, year71 (61–74)67 (64–73)0.827
Sex, male (%)21 (78)6 (60)0.248
BMI, kg/m227 (26–31)24 (21–28)0.014
Duration ICU stay, days13 (8–27)11 (3.3–12.3)0.113
Duration of IMV, days13 (6–27)9 (1–12)0.053
Duration of NMB administration, hours0 (0–98)0 (0–240)0.821
Systemic steroid administration, n (%)12 (46)7 (70)0.182
Maximal CRP, mg/L310 (260–383)312 (135–481)0.969
  • Data are expressed as median (IQR) or percentage (n, (%). P values were obtained from Mann-Whitney U test or χ2 test. Steroid administration was defined as more than 10 mg for >2 days.

  • BMI, body mass index; CRP, C reactive protein; ICU, intensive care unit; IMV, invasive mechanical ventilation; NMB, neuromuscular blocking agents.