Table 3

Consensus statements not achieving consensus (<75%)

No.TopicStatementLevel of consensus, %
3*Necessity to mitigate delaysEvery patient with suspected severe asthma should be seen within 4 weeks of referral to an appropriate specialist severe asthma service59
21Initiation of advanced therapies for severe asthmaIf a patient’s adherence to ICS has already been assessed as adequate, prior to referral, using an objective method, then it is not necessary to repeat this before initiating advanced therapy treatments to severe asthma patients48
26MDT (or equivalent) meetings (to decide about advanced therapies) should occur at least weekly and should review every systematically assessed case62
27Instead of a full MDT discussion, two senior clinicians should review every systematically assessed case to initiate a biologic at the severe asthma service40
33*Role of homecareConsidering patient preference, home initiation of biologics should be the default way to initiate these medicines to severe asthma patients44
  • *Statements shared with patients.

  • ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; MDT, multidisciplinary team.