Table 3

Adherence to mepolizumab

Descriptive statistics
 Proportion of days covered (PDC, (mean))0.7
 PDC (median)0.8
No/per cent patients by PDC category% (n)
 PDC≥25%91 (1643)
 PDC≥50%77 (1377)
 PDC≥75%62 (1107)
 PDC=100%2 (38)
No/per cent patients% n
 Early-stage persistence65 (1176)
 Discontinuation by catgeory% (n)
 No refill within 3 months11 (202)
 No refill within 6 months7 (120)
 No refill within 9 months6 (106)
 No refill within 12 months6 (99)
Time to discontinuationNo of days
 With 28-day allowable gap (mean)233
 With 28-day allowable gap (median)271
  • N=1801.