Table 2

ppFEV1 by genotype group in children 6 to <12 years of age*

Evaluable children, n†ppFEV1, mean (SD), percentage points
Overall448192.6 (17.5)
F508del/F508del225192.2 (17.5)
F508del/MF96892.1 (17.5)
Gating mutation on ≥1 allele21895.0 (16.6)
RF on ≥1 allele17098.3 (16.4)
MF/MF16387.4 (19.1)
R117H on ≥1 allele9697.9 (11.8)
  • *ppFEV1 is not routinely measured in children <6 years of age.

  • †n indicates the number of children with non-missing data.

  • MF, minimal function; ppFEV1, per cent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s; RF, residual function.