Table 2

Variable selection for a prediction model of COVID-19-related death among individuals with laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection

Clinical variableBase multivariable model (p value)*Diagnoses promoted for evaluation by LASSO regression (FDR adjusted p value)†LASSO-derived coefficients for variables retained in the final prediction model‡OR for the retained variable§
Age1.76×10–144 --0.062901.065
Sex-male2.68×10–5 --0.007181.007
Race-ethnicity—African American5.94×10–5 ------
Smoking status3.28×10–6 ------
Creatinine, serum7.28×10–16 --0.129331.138
Pulmonary: respiratory failure--1.22×10–18 0.583171.792
Cardiovascular: congestive heart failure--1.27×10–17 0.539281.715
Pulmonary: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease--3.69×10–13 0.296491.345
General: supplemental O2 or ventilation--3.82×10–10 ----
Cardiovascular: coronary artery disease--3.07×10–7 0.077601.081
Cardiovascular: atrial fibrillation or flutter--6.27×10–7 0.076811.080
Cardiovascular: cerebrovascular disease--7.20×10–6 0.127741.136
Gastrointestinal: liver disease, not otherwise specified--7.20×10–6 ----
General: electrolyte disorder--7.74×10–6 ----
Infectious disease: sepsis--1.95×10–5 ----
Cardiovascular: pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis--2.74×10–5 ----
Musculoskeletal: skeletal disorder affecting thorax--2.74×10–5 0.091231.096
Psychiatric and substance use: alcohol use--2.74×10–5 ----
Infectious disease: pneumonia--2.98×10–5 ----
Cardiovascular: peripheral vascular occlusive disease--3.01×10–5 0.141211.152
Haematologic: leucopenia--3.87×10–5 ----
Dermatology: pressure ulcer--7.11×10–5 0.217311.243
Pulmonary: pulmonary vascular hypertension--8.32×10–5 ----
Gastrointestinal: cirrhosis--1.15×10–4 ----
General: nutritional deficiency--7.88×10–4 ----
Neurologic: traumatic brain injury--8.84×10–4 0.048441.050
Cardiovascular: structural heart disease--1.23×10–3 ----
Neurologic: epilepsy--1.88×10–3 ----
Cardiovascular: cardiomyopathy--2.74×10–3 ----
Neurologic: dementia--4.12×10–3 0.134121.144
Endocrine and metabolism: diabetes any--5.70×10–3 ----
Rheumatologic: sarcoidosis--7.48×10–3 ----
Haematologic: coagulopathy--7.49×10–3 ----
Psychiatric and substance use: opioid use--9.14×10–3 ----
Gastrointestinal: gastro-oesophageal disease--0.011----
Oncologic: solid malignancy--0.021----
Infectious disease: infectious enteritis--0.021----
Gastrointestinal: constipation--0.030----
General: muscle contraction or wasting--0.038----
Neurologic: encephalopathy--0.041----
Rheumatologic: systemic lupus erythematosus--0.049----
  • Risk score=2340.58 + 62.90×age (in years)+7.18×sex (male=1, female=0)+129.33×serum creatinine (in mg/dL)+583.17×history of respiratory failure (yes=1, no=0)+539.28×congestive heart failure (yes=1, no=0)+296.49×chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (yes=1, no=0)+77.60×coronary artery disease (yes=1, no=0)+76.81×atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter (yes=1, no=0)+127.74×cerebrovascular disease (yes=1, no=0)+91.23×musculoskeletal disease affecting thorax (yes=1, no=0)+141.21×peripheral vascular disease (yes=1, no=0)+217.31×pressure ulcer (yes=1, no=0)+48.44×traumatic brain injury (yes=1, no=0)+134.12×dementia (yes=1, no=0).

  • *The base model included all of the variables shown; p values were derived from the adjusted model.

  • †P values are adjusted for the false discovery rate. Each clinical variable is separately adjusted by the following model: COVID-19 death ~age+sex+race-ethnicity+smoking status +BMI+serum creatinine +clinical variable. Online supplemental table 1 shows the additional clinical variables which were screened but which did not meet the criteria for evaluation by LASSO regression for prediction model building.

  • ‡Variable weights using in the actual prediction model were obtained by multiplying each coefficient by 1000; this ensured that all model weights were >1. The final 14-variable prediction model had the following form.

  • §OR for COVID-19-related death according to a one-unit increase in the listed variable (coding and directionality for each variable retained is described in the preceding footnote).

  • BMI, body mass index; FDR, false discovery rate; LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator.