Table 4

Multifactorial determinants of changes in D-12 questionnaire scores

BaselineEstimates±SEP value
ΔM2-baseline D-12 physical
 BMI,1 kg/m2 increase−0.12±0.040.003
ΔM2-baseline D-12 affective
 FEV1, 1% of predicted value increase−0.06±0.020.001
 Anxiety symptom, score >111.83±0.610.003
 6MST, 1 stroke increase−0.005±0.0020.007
ΔM2-baseline D-12 total score
 FEV1, 1% of predicted value increase−0.06±0.02<0.001
 6MST, 1 stroke increase−0.004±0.0020.048
  • Results from the backward stepwise multivariable ANCOVA. A significance level of 0.20 in parametric analysis (table 3) was used to keep the most important explanatory relationship variables in the final model. Multiple imputations were used and data were adjusted for baseline value.

  • ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; BMI, body mass index; D-12, Dyspnoea-12; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; 6MST, 6 min stepper test.