Table 1

Comparison of the stages involved in different forms of experience-based co-design

EBCD Point of Care Foundation 2016AEBCD Locock et al.Adapted co-design process based on AEBCD (for use in the SENTINEL project)
  1. Observe clinical areas

  2. Interview staff, patients and families

  3. Edit interviews into 25–30 min film of themed chapters

  4. Staff feedback event

  5. Hold patient feedback event (showing film to patients)

  6. Hold joint patient-staff feedback event

  7. Run co-design groups over 4–6 months

  8. Hold a celebration event

  1. Secondary analysis of narrative interviews from the HERG archive

  2. Creation of trigger films

  3. Discovery and engagement work with staff, including staff feedback event

  4. Focus group workshop with local patients and carers

  5. Co-design workshop with local staff, patients and carers

  6. Co-design subgroups of staff, patients and carers

  7. Final event

  1. Exploratory meetings by video link with clinical staff

  2. Staff feedback event

  3. Exploratory meetings over the phone with asthma patients

  4. Co-design event

  • AEBCD, accelerated experience-based co-design; EBCD, Experience-based co-design; HERG, Health Experiences Research Group; SENTINEL, SABA rEductioN Through ImplemeNting Hull asthma guidELines.