Table 2

Performance and response of the IST-1 and the IST-2

No of steps49.5 (25; 72)52 (22; 89.25)*
Duration (s)234 (134.5; 312.75)245 (124.25; 363)*
Step cadence (steps/min)14 (12; 18)15 (12; 18)*
Heart rate (bpm)77.8±11.5103.7±16.4†77.7±12.3105.1±14.4†
SpO2 (%)95±1.990.3±4.1†94.8±2.190.3±4.3†
Dyspnoea (rating)0 (0; 1)5 (4; 7)†0 (0; 1)5 (3; 6.25)†
Leg fatigue (rating)0 (0; 0)5 (4.75: 6.25)†0 (0; 0)5 (4; 6.25)†
  • Values are expressed as median (percentile 25–75) or mean±SD.

  • *P<0.05 for comparisons between the IST-1 and IST-2.

  • †P<0.05 for comparisons within tests (pretest vs post-test).

  • IST, Incremental Step test; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation.