Table 3

Predictors of concordance between digitally recorded and human listener classified lung auscultation and conventional stethoscope classifications, comparing auscultation of any crackles and/or wheeze and neither crackles nor wheeze

Agreement n=530ORAdjusted OR*
nn (%)Estimate95% CIP valueEstimate95% CIP value
 1–5 months315233 (74.0)1.370.84 to 2.230.2081.460.87 to 2.440.152
 6–11 months172117 (68.0)1.070.63 to 1.810.8051.080.62 to 1.860.792
 12–23 months148112 (75.7)1.750.98 to 3.110.0581.750.97 to 3.150.062
 24–56 months10268 (66.7)RefRef
 Male422305 (72.3)RefRef
 Female315225 (71.4)0.940.67 to 1.310.7030.980.70 to 1.380.919
 Very severe pneumonia244177 (72.5)1.090.77 to 1.550.618
 Severe pneumonia493353 (71.6)Ref
 Zambia234162 (69.2)RefRef
 Bangladesh145112 (77.2)1.490.92 to 2.400.1041.490.91 to 2.440.113
 Kenya12381 (65.9)0.850.53 to 1.350.4790.940.55 to 1.590.805
 South Africa9264 (69.6)1.160.65 to 2.090.6161.250.66 to 2.390.495
 The Gambia7967 (84.8)2.371.21 to 4.670.0122.401.20 to 4.800.014
 Thailand6444 (68.8)0.960.53 to 1.750.9051.080.57 to 2.040.821
Duration between digital and conventional auscultation
 <2 hours383288 (75.2)1.360.98 to 1.890.0601.140.75 to 1.750.541
 >2 hours332229 (69.0)RefRef
 Missing time information2213 (59.1)
Intermittent crying on recording
 Yes330244 (73.9)RefRef
 No407286 (70.3)1.180.85 to 1.640.3371.190.84 to 1.690.333
  • Bold values denote statistical significance at the p <0.05 level.

  • *Adjusted for age, sex, site, duration between digital and conventional auscultation and intermittent crying on recording.