Table 1

Background characteristics of patients completing the questionnaire (n=203)

Mean (SD)n (%)
Female100 (49.3)
Age years65.2 (9.0)
Current smoker48 (23.8)
Employment status:
 Receiving disability benefits110 (54.2)
 Retired58 (28.7)
 Sick leave19 (9.4)
 In work29 (14.4)
mMRC grade (0–4)
 130 (14.9)
 260 (29.7)
 362 (30.7)
 450 (24.8)
 FEV1 (postbronchodilator, % predicted)42 (19)
 FEV1/FVC (postbronchodilator)0.45 (0.13)
6 min walking test distance (metres)373 (129)
Borg CR10 scale (range 0–10):
 Pre-6MWT1.7 (1.2)
 Post-6MWT6.1 (2.1)
Body mass index (BMI)*, kg/m225.2 (5.7)
Obesity (BMI >30.0 kg/m2)36 (17.7)
No of hospitalisations for COPD last year
 0107 (52.7)
 142 (21.0)
 220 (10.0)
 ≥331 (15.5)
Current acute exacerbation n (%)50 (24.6)
Long-term oxygen treatment n (%)22 (10.9)
 Asthma46 (22.7)
 Coronary heart disease29 (14.4)
 Diabetes16 (7.9)
 Heart failure14 (7.0)
 Hypertension55 (27.1)
 Obstructive sleep apnoea20 (10.0)
  • *Height and weight measured under rehabilitation.

  • †Derived from medical records.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CR10, Category-Ratio 10; FEV, forced expiratory volume; FVC, Forced Vital Capacity; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council; MWT, Minute Walking Test.