Table 5

Correlations* (hypotheses) and review findings9 for Dyspnoea-12 scores, patient-reported data and clinical measures (n=203)

PhysicalAffectiveTotal scores
r, hypothesisedReview mean, ranger, hypothesisedReview mean, ranger, hypothesisedReview mean, range
(0.3≤r < 0.6)0.3≤r < 0.60.3≤r < 0.60.35–0.67
(0.2≤r <0.5)0.33–0.49r≥0.60.54–0.710.3≤r < 0.60.35–0.64
(0.2≤r <0.5)0.22–0.62r≥0.60.24–0.680.3≤r < 0.60.22–0.68
(0.2≤r <0.5)0.48–0.64r<0.30.22–0.520.2≤r <0.50.39–0.60
Borg CR10
 Before 6MWT0.17NS0.13NSr0.17 NS
(0.2≤r <0.5)r<0.30.2≤r <0.5
 After 6MWT0.260.13NS0.22
(0.2≤r <0.5)r<0.30.2≤r <0.5
 FEV1 predicted‡ NS0.26
(0.2≤r <0.5)0.06–0.35r<0.30.12–0.230.2≤r <0.50.08–0.38
(0.2≤r <0.5)r<0.30.2≤r <0.5
 6MWT distance¶0.320.350.260.220.330.35
(0.2≤r <0.5)0.16–0.52r<0.30.08–0.490.2≤r <0.50.13–0.53
  • *Pearson correlations reported in the same direction for ease of interpretation. Statistically significant (p<0.01) unless stated: NS not significant.

  • †modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea score.

  • ‡Forced expiratory volume in 1 s in percentage of predicted value.

  • §Number of hospitalisations in the last year.

  • ¶6 min walking test.

  • CAT, COPD Assessment Test; CR10, Category-Ratio 10; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council.