Table 1

Overview of characteristics of individuals diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in the NPHU between 2010 and 2020

Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Mixed
Subjects, n1636939672354
Sex: female n (%)125 (77)45 (65)20 (51)29 (43)9 (39)26 (48)
Age (years): mean±SD56±1569±1064±1361±1657±1364±11
WHO functional class: % I/II/III/IV1/29/56/141/26/49/220/15/56/281/28/64/70/22/74/40/22/61/17
BNP (ng/L): median (IQR)172 (57–570)366 (234–826)117 (41–468)128 (62–451)90 (45–183)225 (78–860)
Right heart catheterisation
 mRAP (mm Hg)9±611±66±39±58±611±6
 mPAP (mm Hg)46±1542±1239±1144±939±1240±12
 PAWP (mm Hg)11±520±710±511±412±615±7
 CO (L/min)4±15±14±24±15±14±1
 PVR (WU)10±75±37±49±46±57±5
DLCO, % predicted49±2346±1535±1467±1342±1841±16
PH therapy within 12 months of diagnosis: n (%)148 (91)33 (48)29 (74)54 (81)17 (74)35 (65)
 Monotherapy37 (23)29 (42)23 (59)38 (57)8 (35)26 (48)
 Double combination therapy88 (54)4 (6)5 (13)15 (22)7 (30)7 (13)
 Triple combination therapy23 (14)01 (3)1 (1)2 (9)1 (2)
Balloon atrial septostomy3 (2)00000
Lung transplantation5 (3)02 (5)01 (4)0
 1-year, 3-year and 5- year survival, %89, 75, 6594, 88, 7566, 33, 1493, 79, 64100, 75, 7589, 71, 64
 Median follow-up (IQR): years3 (1–5)2 (1–4)1.5 (1–3)3 (2–5)2 (1–3)3 (1–4)
  • FC, BNP, RHC parameters and lung function were collected at diagnosis. WHO FC was available for all 415 patients. Of note data were incomplete for the following parameters: BNP not available for 12%, mRAP in 39%, mPAP in 9%, PAWP in 19%, CO in 46%, PVR in 54% and DLCO in 52%.

  • Survival data were available for 19 (86%) individuals with CHD-PAH.

  • BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CO, cardiac output; DLCO, diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide; mPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure; mRAP, mean right atrial pressure; PAWP, pulmonary artery wedge pressure; PH, pulmonary hypertension; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance.;