Table 1

Baseline characteristics at the time of diagnosis of patients with a short (<1 year) or long (>1 year) diagnostic delay

Diagnostic delay<1 year (N=78)Diagnostic delay>1 year (N=186)Total (N=264)P value
Age (years), mean (SD)73.38 (7.64)73.20 (7.66)73.26 (7.64)0.80
Male sex59 (75.6%)140 (75.3%)199 (75.4%)0.95
Smoking status0.77
 Never19 (24.4%)46 (24.7%)65 (24.6%)
 Active6 (7.7%)10 (5.4%)16 (6.1%)
 Former53 (67.9%)130 (69.9%)183 (69.3%)
Pack years, mean (SD)28.61 (21.58)27.80 (21.50)28.04 (21.47)0.81
BMI, mean (SD)27.74 (4.95)27.82 (4.53)27.79 (4.64)0.90
College degree or higher35 (46.1%)83 (45.9%)118 (45.9%)0.98
Home oxygen therapy at baseline4 (5.1%)9 (4.9%)13 (5.0%)0.94
FVC (% predicted), mean (SD)91.12 (21.82)88.78 (18.21)89.46 (19.32)0.38
DLCO (% predicted), mean (SD)51.77 (13.73)52.31 (13.29)52.15 (13.40)0.77
GAP index0.72
 135 (47.3%)91 (51.4%)126 (50.2%)
 238 (51.4%)82 (46.3%)120 (47.8%)
 31 (1.4%)4 (2.3%)5 (2.0%)
Emphysema on baseline HRCT11 (14.1%)14 (7.5%)25 (9.5%)0.10
  • P values based on univariate analysis.

  • BMI, body mass index; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; FVC, forced vital capacity; HRCT, high-resolution CT; GAP index, gender–age–physiology index.