Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the complete cohort*

WHO group IWHO group IIWHO group IIIWHO group IVWHO group VP†
Number of patients (n=132)495313134
Age, years56 (42–65)72 (60–76)68 (56–73)55 (47–61)57 (44–69)<0.01
Male gender11 (22%)12 (23%)7 (54%)5 (38%)3 (75%)0.03
Body mass index, kg/m230 (26–33)33 (27–39)27 (26–32)31 (29–31)26 (24–29)0.04
Chronic medical conditions
Connective tissue disease28 (57%)5 (9%)4 (31%)1 (8%)0 (0%)<0.01
COPD6 (12%)3 (6%)5 (38%)0 (0%)1 (25%)0.01
Interstitial lung disease11 (22%)3 (5%)8 (62%)0 (0%)0 (0%)<0.01
Right heart catheterisation
MPAP, mm Hg35 (29–45)42 (33–52)31 (27–32)38 (36–46)26 (23–37)0.02
PAOP, mm Hg11 (9–14)21 (17–27)11 (10–12)13 (11–14)13 (11–14)<0.01
PVR, wood units3.3 (2.4–8.1)3.2 (2.6–6.0)4.1 (3.2–5.1)4.3 (3.5–11.2)2.6 (1.9–5.5)0.30
Sleep study
Home sleep study12 (24%)23 (43%)2 (15%)8 (62%)4 (100%)<0.01
Time with SpO2<90%, %7.6 (0.1–40.7)16.5 (2.6–45.5)2.3 (0.3–20.9)40.3 (23.9–97.7)4.6 (3.1–6.9)0.02
AHI-REI ≥520 (41%)40 (75%)5 (38%)9 (69%)3 (75%)0.03
5≤AHI REI < 1512 (24%)14 (26%)5 (38%)4 (31%)3 (75%)0.06
15≤AHI REI < 304 (8%)13 (25%)0 (0%)3 (23%)0 (0%)0.07
AHI-REI≥304 (8%)13 (25%)0 (0%)2 (15%)0 (0%)
AHI-REI, events per hour2.8 (0.9–9.5)12.0 (6.1–29.2)3.7 (2.1–8.2)10.0 (2.2–19.4)6.4 (2.6–10.1)<0.01
Obstructive apnoeas0 (0–5)6 (0–33)2 (0–8)5 (0–13)0.20
Central apnoeas0 (0–1)0 (0–3)1 (0–9)4 (0–5)0.16
Mixed apnoeas0 (0–1)0 (0–2)0 (0–0)0 (0–1)0.81
Hypopneas7 (3–26)63 (36–100)3 (1–34)64 (51–162)<0.01
  • *Data are summarised as median (IQR) for continuous variables and N (%) for categorical variables.

  • †P values are calculated using the Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables and the Χ2 test for categorical variables. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. P-values <0.05 are indicated in boldface.

  • AHI, apnoea-hypopnoea index; COPD, chronic obsrructive pulmonary disease; MPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure; PAOP, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; REI, respiratory event index.