Table 1

Input parameters: probabilities and procedure properties

ParameterMeanSample sizeReference
Risk of malignancy73.7%148/202Verhoeven et al13
Procedure characteristics
 Diagnostic yield95.3%61/64Verhoeven et al13
 Sensitivity92.7%38/41Verhoeven et al13
 Specificity100%20/20Verhoeven et al13
 Diagnostic yield89.3%782/876Callister et al5
 Sensitivity90.8%942/1038Callister et al5
 Specificity94%392/417Callister et al5
 Pneumothorax1.6%4/238Verhoeven et al12
 Pneumothorax requiring intervention1.6%4/238Verhoeven et al12
 Haemorrhage2.3%5/238Verhoeven et al12
 Pneumothorax19.7%1631/8275Heerink et al8
 Pneumothorax requiring intervention5.6%463/8275Heerink et al8
 Haemorrhage2.8%1490/8275Dibardino et al7
Direct diagnosis, distribution
 Stage Ia47.6%4569/9594Ismail et al16
 Stage Ib23.8%2284/9594Ismail et al16
 Stage II28.6%2744/9594Ismail et al16
Delayed diagnosis, distribution
 Stage Ia42.4%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
 Stage Ib18.6%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
 Stage II20.5%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
 Stage IIIa14.0%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
 Stage IIIb3.6%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
 Stage IV0.9%Ten Haaf et al/Ismail et al15 16
Treatment distribution
Stage I–II
 Surgery46%4554/9900Ismail et al16
 Radiotherapy43.5%4307/9900Ismail et al16
 Chemoradiotherapy2%198/9900Ismail et al16
 Chemotherapy7.3%718/9900Ismail et al16
 Chemoimmunotherapy0.8%74/9900Ismail et al16
 Immunotherapy0.5%50/9900Ismail et al16
Stage III
 Surgery9.3%604/6524Ismail et al16
 Radiotherapy12%783/6524Ismail et al16
 Chemoradiotherapy39.5%2577/6524Ismail et al16
 Chemotherapy12.8%816/6524Ismail et al16
 Chemoimmunotherapy18.3%1191/6524Ismail et al16
 Immunotherapy7.3%473/6524Ismail et al16
 Targeted therapy1%65/6524Ismail et al16
Stage IV
 Surgery0.8%114/15 156Ismail et al16
 Radiotherapy10.3%1553/15 156Ismail et al16
 Chemotherapy14.5%2198/15 156Ismail et al16
 Chemoimmunotherapy38%5759/15 156Ismail et al16
 Immunotherapy18.5%2804/15 156Ismail et al16
 Chemoradiotherapy4%606/15 156Ismail et al16
 Targeted therapy14%2122/15 156Ismail et al16
Treatment distribution in patients without pathology confirmation*
 VATS51.4%4553/8861Ismail et al16
 SABR48.6%4308/8861Ismail et al16
Treatment-related mortality
 VATS3.6%2787/77 623Stokes et al17
 SABR2.9%241/8216Stokes et al17
2-year overall survival†
 Stage Ia93.6%732/11 423Goldstraw et al2
 Stage Ib89.%666/6095Goldstraw et al2
 Stage II77.4%1549/6864Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IIIa65%2015/5756Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IIIb46.4%965/1798Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IV17.1%731/882Goldstraw et al2
5-year overall survival†
 Stage Ia83.7%1837/11 423Goldstraw et al2
 Stage Ib73%1618/6095Goldstraw et al2
 Stage II58.2%2872/6864Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IIIa41%3219/5756Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IIIb23.6%1270/1798Goldstraw et al2
 Stage IV5.5%834/882Goldstraw et al2
  • *Patients without pulmonary nodule confirmation can be in the direct treatment strategy or had a non-diagnostic biopsy.

  • †Survival based on TNM eighth edition.2

  • CBCT-NB, cone beam CT-guided navigation bronchoscopy; SABR, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy; TTNB, transthoracic needle biopsy; VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopy.